Fishing Forum

Full Version: Spanish Macks, Snapper, Bottom Fish: Bonita Beach, FL Fishbuster Dave
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[cool]I fished Saturday with Sam Alkhalaf and sons Alex, fourteen, and Joe, twelve. Fishing with live shrimp 12 miles out New Pass, off the Registry Resort, we caught keeper Spanish mackerel, mangrove snapper, triggerfish, porkfish, porgies, and grunts, and released gag and red grouper shorts. The photo below is of young angler, Mason, with a 34 inch goliath grouper, photographed and released on a recent Fishbuster Charter. Mason also caught a 28 1/4 inch gag grouper the same day. Find complete info and fish photo album at [url ""][/url]
Sounds like a great time!! I cant wait to get down there this month to go fishing wwith you!! I will be coming in the middle of September, Any advice on what gear is best for that time of year? Im used to fishing in Southern California.

[cool]I use light tackle most of the time--much more sport in it that way--If you fish with me, I have all the gear you will need. Be sure to let me know what day you want...slow season right now, but it still books up sometimes. Good fishing to you.