In the car heading back into town and wanted to try one more day in the tube tomorrow before hitting the ice. Has anyone been up to Pineview today and can give let me know if Port Ramp area is still full of open water?
Drove by this morn @ 10 am narrows was still comp ice free and main bay was wide open never stopped in at port ramp but Id bet monies youd be able to find a spot launch your tube @ or near port ramp !!
Ice is forming and it won't be long with these temps. If you're going to tube it, don't wait much longer.
Checked it out today on my way home and the Yacht Club is pretty much iced over. The protected water in the backs of the bays and most of the Spring Creek Inlet are also capped with ice. The Narrows are still completely ice free but it has been COLD here in the valley. Today at noon the temp was 16 and this morning at 5 am the temp was 2.
C'Mon ICE!
Great Post and even Better news. Please keep the updates coming. I'm chomping at the bit to get up there.
+1. I cant wait to hit the View on hard deck. Its a pretty short drive for me from Evanston and go there almost religously