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Full Version: 23" Brown on Black Friday
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Here's a picture of the 23" brown my 12 year old boy pulled in on Black Friday. He caught it on a fly rod using a woolly bugger fly that he tied himself. What a beatiful fish - a new record for him. Gave quite a fight and it was a blast watching him haul it in. We took a couple of quick pics with my cell phone and then released the fish to battle another day.
That is a whopper of a brown, nice catch
[Smile][Smile][Smile][Smile]That's a nice brown, way to go! Beautiful fish![Smile][Smile][Smile][Smile]
Congratulations to the young fisherman. Very nice catch.
Great job little man. Great Fish, Sounds like you just did your dad Proud. WTG.
Great brown -- congrats to your son.