
]went to east canyon again today with my father-in-law. meet up with yper and yper jr. at dennys had breakfast and then headed up when we got to the lake about 6am the fog was thick launched anyway. my 16yr old sister in law was with use and caught the first two fish one was a nice 21incher and then i started catching, i caught 10 fish for the day 2 being 20 inches and 2 18 inchers my sil caught a few more about 6 total and my fil never got a bit. talked to yper and yperjr on the 2 way radios they had caught a few when we left about 10:30. we where trolling perch colored flat fish f7's behind dipsy divers
Hey sounds like you had a great time. Was anyone fishing the shoreline. I've heard that a peacock colored pop gear has been working well all over this year, but especially at east canyon.
there where a few people from shore. ive never done good up there with pop gear.
I got there just as the fog burned off. When I pulled in the fog was still on the lake but by the time I was able to get launched it had gone. I stayed until 11 and nothing. Maybe you were the one I say catching them all.
i was in an old white starcraft with no windshield we left about 10:30. we only trolled around the dam
For yper jr. and I things started out a little slow, but them picked up. I lost the first fish and lure of the day on a perch colored flat fish that Petty gave me, then switch to a green wedding ring and worm, picking up one fish in about an hour, changed over to small pop gear and a red wedding ring and caught several fish in the next two hour. Yper jr. lost a very nice fish taking every thing including his dipsey diver
Yper its good to see that yper jr. could wake up long enough to fish