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Headed down to Shelly Pond Friday morning to try some early season ice fishing. The ice was there and right about 4 inches everywhere we went. It did make us a little nervous though being the first day out so we wore life jackets and took the throw rope just in case and drilled plenty of test holes on the way out to make sure it didn't get thin. We ended up seeing some periodic fish on the Marcum, usually around the 10 ft depth. We did finally find a hole where one was staying consistently on the bottom and would come up and check our bait, steal it then drop back down. But since he stayed on the flasher I kept working him. Finally changed to a chartreuse paddle bug and after some more teasing was able to hook a good size brown. A few minutes later I landed a white fish that was a little smaller, about 14 inches. Around 1pm the ice was noted to be getting some water on it around the edges in spots and was making some unnerving popping noises including one that shot a crack right through the middle of our holes. We took that as a hint that we were done and started working our way back. Over all a good day for only being about 10 minutes from home. Still would have liked to have made it to Henry's.
Do they stock that pond as well or is it mostly just fish that come out of the river? I saw a fair number of risers on it when I fished the river there a while back. I've looked at the stocking report but nothing is listed as Shelly Pond. I have wondered if it is the Skinner Gravel Pond that is listed in the report. It looks like a decent little place to wet a fly for a few minutes on my way home from school.
Thanks for the report Belasko. Any perch around the trees/willows? Some years there are a lot of fish in there and some not so much. This is the earliest I've ever heard of anyone getting on there. Was the river coming in?

Thanks again,

I don't think that any fish are stocked there. There is a fence that blocks direct vehicle access so I doubt they could really stock it well. They're probably all off the river.

As for perch I've never seen them and only heard vague rumors of them being there. I've heard better talk of perch at Gem, but nothing spectacular as far as numbers. I know last year I fished it about a week and a half later and there was 10+ inches on it at that time but there was less at Thanksgiving than there is now. The whole think looked iced over but we stayed close to the road end of it just to be a little safer.
Sorry I am a little naive here. What are we referring to as Shelly Pond? I would be interested in learning more about it.
It's an old gravel pit just west of Shelly as you head out to I-15. It's on the north side of the road just before you cross the river. Apparently in '96 when we had flooding in breached the barrier between the pit and the river. They chose to leave it that way. It makes for ok fishing close to town. I know once it freezes well it gets some decent pressure for about a month until Ririe freezes over. Haven't seem much attention to it after that though.
Thank you for your prompt response. I will take a run down from I.F. to check it out. Maybe it will be worth my time, as you say, until Ririe freezes up.
Yeah, everything in the pond comes out of the river. There has always been perch in there but most are the size of the Roberts Gravel Pond when it's stunted. We ice fish the back bays in the river later on in the year and get some nice browns there as well in that area. There has been some trespassing issues the last couple of years if you come in on the development side but no problems on the small road between the river and the pond.
Shelley Pond . If someone was looking for Shelley this might help in the search . Curt G.
[#000000]Dublmmz, looks like you figured out what your login is. Good to see you posting. If you decide to go down and fish there I might be interested in joining you.[/#000000]
Hey Bardic,
Glad I ran into you here, too. When I get ready to give it a shot, I will call you.