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Full Version: Ice on the pond
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Yup , we have ice on the pond and it's forming on the lake now.
I'm looking forward to some bluegill fishing already !!
What are you guys targeting ?
If you see an old fart sittin on your back porch with plate and fork in hand, Its just little old me drueling over the smells of gills frying.

been so long since I et a gill... litteraly no fishing this summer,

I drove by pontiac lake yesterday and saw ice across the lake, I didnt get excited because we had a forcast for 1.5 inches of rain this morning... Yup, its raining good now, So much for going out for white tail gills today...
Everyone's getting the ice bug !
There was talk about some guys laying plywood in a path out onto the ice so that they could be the "First Ice " fishermen of the season, but that didn't work out so well for them.
I think it will be another week around here for some pretty safe ice .
ya, that wood just collects sunlight and acts like insulation...

it wont be long with temps in the teens at night.
3-1/2" last Saturday, gotta be pushing 5" by now.
temps in the *0 range the last two nights have helped to set up the ice nicely, and no sign of temps going up above 32* in sight befor christmas.

may be a good year for santa dropping wax worms in the stockings. [:p]