Howdy,I'm a new member to the site, although I must admit that I have been a lurker for some time.I thought it might be fun to get in on the ice fishing challenge,since ice fishing is my favorite sport.I hope to bump in to many of you out on the pond and share some stories and have some laughs.
I've been Ice fishing ever since they made year round fishing available in Utah.However I still don't know as much as most of you do about the sport and I'm always learning new things about it.
question#1 To cover the hole or not to cover it.Does the light coming through attract or scare fish?
question #2 Do you leave the little plastic flapper on a Sweedish Pimple or remove it ?
I appreciate your views on these subjects ,thanks and happy fishing!
Welcome to the site. When fishing in deeper water covering the hole isnt a big deal. Sometimes in shallower water, say 15ft. or less i find it helps to cover the hole sometimes. I just stand over it or in front of the sun. Especially when after walleye in shallower water. Having a ice tent is a huge help in this case. As for the Swedish Pimple I have always left the hook attractor on.
Thanks for your answers , I never really worried about too much light coming through the hole, but I can see how It could make a difference in shallow water.
I've always left the attractor on the sweedish pimple too,but I had a friend tell me he takes his off and gets more hooksets that way . I guess I'll try both ways this year and see if there is any difference.
Good luck -I think it's gonna be a killer year!
First welcome to BFT and good luck in the Ice Fishing Contest this year. I can't remember a time where covering a hole made any difference. People in a the tent weren't catching any more fish then the people outside of the tent. I have had days were if the sun was shining the bite turned on but other days the bite seemed better when it got cloudy. One of those things where you pick which works best for you. Never hurts to try something different if the fishing is off. I leave the flapper on and have at times added some to jigs that I was making.
Welcome aboard! As far as covering the hole...before I got my ice hut, I would always remove as much snow from around the hole as possible. My thoughts were that more light might attract more fish to the area. I would not recommend that if you were targeting walleye, like mentioned before. For trout or perch it might not matter. Just my thoughts. By the way, get an ice hut! they are so much nicer to fish in than on the hard deck! Good luck!
I have an ice hut that I rarely even take with me, just cause I don't like messing with it. I have had one pole in the hut and one out and the bite was really no different.
but when the wind is howling and its a blizzard out that ice hut sure makes a difference! honestly i think its more for comfort than increasing success. i agree with those guys that are sayin you get as many hits inside the tent as you do outside. but ive never targeted walleye through the ice and i know lighting is a factor in hooking them, atleast it is at willard. but i love my tent ive caught alot of my biggest fish through the ice in horrible weather when i know i wouldnt have been sittin out there on a bucket exposed....