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Full Version: 2nd Annual Reeling for Relay Berby feb 11th,12th,13th
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The 2nd Annual Reeling for Relay Burbot derby will be held FEB 11th-13th start time will be at 6pm on fri and ends at noon on sunday. Fish must be weighed every day at buckboard and no frozen fish will be counted!
2 man teams $70.00 per team
$5000.00 in cash prizes
1st,5th,10th,15th. each pay $1000.00
2nd,6th,11th,16th.each pay 250.00
they will allso have a prize for big and smallest ling!
Come help 2 good causes fight cancer and burbot!
sounds fun .. if i can get the time off i'll be there.. when does the entry fee need to be in by?

and can i go fishing with you? lol [:p]
I think you can pay it on the 11th at buckboard? I'am kinda think I may bow out on this one with them knockin us down to a 2 man team that screw's one of my partners out! and will make it more likely for people to poolfish!
Is that a mispell on you header ??? LOL .. Doesn't sound like fun !!!! I know better from last yrs 1st annual !! All that runnin and gunnin fishin freezin are butts off!! only to catch the most and end up in 4th I dunno bout a 2nd for me.. The derby is for a great cause x2 no doubt but hopefully KELLY POWERS will rethink the rules over and make some small changes before event takes place.. There was cheatin last year by a few different groups and it will happen again this yr specially with the 2-MAN entry...If I recall there was maybe 5 teams last yr that were 2- Man and didnt do well but the other 2-Man/ Ma-Pa-Uncles sons cousin team ranked with no probs ??? Only a handfull o folk will be interested in this down here in these parts alot of time-money-physical abuse to the body for only a 2-man !!! My 3=cents[Wink]
you would think with my spelling but no its a BERBY NOT A DERBY LOL.maybe just a burby derby?
Fishley, is this different from the Burbot Cash Bash?
Oh I thought you meant BERBER DEBY !!! [laugh] lol sorry my bad maybe I should listen a little better eh my wife tells me too all the time huh !!!
yep it is. the week long deal with the tagged fish is the 3rd annual burbot bash that the green river and rock springs chammber's took over.I guess? from BFT not sure what's up with that one will report back thur after there meeting in green river wyo.this one is the reeling for relay non profit group that raises money for cancer research for the American cancer society. I think the cash bash is the 22nd-29th of jan?
[quote FISHAMANIAC801]Oh I thought you meant BERBER DEBY !!! [laugh] lol sorry my bad maybe I should listen a little better eh my wife tells me too all the time huh !!![/quote] no it's I GOIN BURBIN DERBIN. AS HE SAY I CATCHED A BURBINN and feel on his drunk @$$head on the ice! lol guess you had to be there huh Ken and Chuck?[laugh][laugh][laugh](note) ice is slick dont hog a fifth with out ice cleat's

I remember that Ash, that was a fun night.
later chuck
o crap i just spit coffee all over my lap top... lmao. ya its a had to be there... omg i have tears in my eyes that was some funny chiznit....[Wink]
Hmmm, sounds like about the time of year we usually make our last ice run to that wind blow crap hole Wy you call home ol' buddy, lol. So sign up and cought up your dough. [Wink]
would there be more intreste if it was 3 or 4 man team's. I'am thinkin so for safety reasons and to help group's cut cost's?