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Met HA69 up at pineview this morning for some muskie fishing. We fished from 5:30-1:30 and just like the last five times I was skunked again. HA69 caught Two smallmouth bass and one carp.

The water is dropping fast it has droped 2'in the last week. The Andersons Cove boat ramp has been closed. Two weeks ago I went over to the Andersons Cove boat ramp and the docks where floating in 5' of water today they where sitting a couple feet up on the shore. The Ogden river has a lot of water flowing in it from all of the water they are letting out of pineview. Pineview surface temperature is in the low 70s.

It was good meeting you HA69 we will have to go again sometime.
Next time hook a smallie and let him swim for awhile [cool] Maybe you can repeat my luck. Taking Chris along would probably help your chances! As you said he always has an encounter with those Tigers.
Aquman should start his own guide service.
Ouch Mike,

Six skunks in a row has got to hurt. I have to hand it to you for your persistence. I have about a four-trip skunk going for me to Willard, that dates back to last year -- never made it up to Willard this year. I have heard that great things come to those who wait -- but how long do we have to wait?
Thanks MGB for taking this rookie muskie fisherman out on your boat . Had a good time even if the fishing was slow .We will get one next time . After I left the marina , I went to the North Arm and took a walk around the west side . I left Pineview around 6:00 pm . Nailed 8 more nice sized smallies before I left for home . Biggest was 15 to 16" . I got some pics I'll get post later . I even got a pic of a muskie .
you guys are giving me way to much praise for catching one fish but dont stop now I LIKE IT !!! LOL i to have been musky skunked about the last five times maybe six i lost count if it wasn't for those aggressive smallmouth i wouldn't be catching anything

Under 30" carp foul hooked on j-11 rapala . LOL

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another smallie

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and a muskie that didn't make it . Found up at the narrows .

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great pics! Those are some good looking smallies. I need to get uo there and get some.

I caught some nice fish from shore at the narrows . When I was fishing from the boat I wasn't fishing for smallies . But nailed a few . I been doing great with senkos and nailed the one on the boat will a spinner bait . Since Aquaman caught a muskie on one I was trying them out . Top water was working about a month ago , but not working to good now . I still will not give up on it . When the muskie fishing slow , I love going for them smallies . But the muskie fishing is always slow for me . LOL
hey hells,

was that dead musky over on the rocks on cemetery point?
It was up by the dam in the narrows access . Didn't see it last week so I figure it is a recent kill in the last week .
Hey Xman, I invited you to go with us but I guess you where hunting. Maybe next time our schedules will work out.
yeah i was out getting my excercise not really hunting cuz there were no animals haha. yeah i hope our schedules could actually work out one day. thanks again for the invite.