Fishing Forum

Full Version: glad to be aboard
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Hello fellow fishermen. I'm looking forward to being a part of this forum. I am an avid fisherman and spend about 150 days a year on various lakes and rivers in wis.and ill. I also ice fish throughout the winter months when I am not pheasant hunting with my German Shorthair. My favorite species is the river Smallmouth and my favorite place to pursue them is the Menominee River. I can also be found trolling for kings off of Algoma and Sturgeon Bay during the summer months when I am not wading the Menominee, Oconto or Peshtigo rivers. I look forward to sharing fishing information with my fellow members and learning from you as well. I would like to wish everybody good luck this ice fishing season and look forward to hearing from some of you this spring. Although I am always willing to talk about the Menominee anytime of year.