I called the state park number to get my name on the list for the Scofield Ice tournament. There website shows Jan 2nd as the day, but says saturday. However the second is a sunday. So when I called the number it has on the message that the date is Jan 8th (saturday). Any one know exactly when the tourney is. Im all signed up no matter what the date is but sure would be nice to know when exactly it is.
just got off the phone with the huntington state park it is jan. 8th 7 am if wanna call and make sure you are on the list this is the number i called 4356872491
Thinking on going.. How do i find out more ??
Call the number above.
where do you sign up for the derby?
Call this number and they will tell you how to sign up 435-687-2491
Welcome to the site James.
I called the number and just got a message to leave my name and number to be added to the list. Does anyone know what the entrance fee is, when the sign-up deadline is, and how long the tournament goes that day? Is there anywhere online I could go to get the details of the tournament?
- MantuaFanatic
i would think the deadline is probably a day or 2 before the derby and the entrance fee is $15 i think it goes from like 7 till 3 or 4 befor it gets dark so they can do the prize's and giveways and what not.
Taken from the Scofield State Park, Activities & Events web-page:
Tournament will take place Sat Jan 8th, at the Madsen bay boat ramp.This will be the fifth annual ice tournament.
Check in will be starting at 6:30 am. You will pay your registration fee at this time.
At 7:30 we will start the tournament and it will go til 2:30pm. From 2 til 2:30 will be the weight in.
Participants will be allowed to enter only one Rainbow Trout, so you'll want to bring in your biggest one.
Top five places will receive gift certificates to sportsmans wharehouse.
1st- 300
2nd- 200
3rd- 150
4th- 100
5th- 50
We will have a raffle after the winners are determined and we will have all kinds of prizes available. If you are not in the tournament but would like to participate in the raffle you can purchase a raffle ticket for $1.
Entry fee is $15 per adult or $10 for 16 and under so bring your whole family out.
We will also be serving free hot chocolate at the check in area.
There is maximum number of entries we can have, so make sure you call in prior to the tournament and pre register. We need to get your name on the list. Now, if we have spots open on the day of the tournament, we'll sign folks up on a first come first serve basis.
Awesome. Thanks for the information guys.