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Full Version: All I want For CHRISTMAS
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Here it is, I want one of these bad, Seen Youtubes and no jerky motion. What you are looking at is what is filmed:

The only down side is, it doesn't look like the lenses are polorized, unless I missed that.
Awesome stuff. I looked at the manual on these and it states
the brown and the amber lens are both polarized. Would be a fun deal and an awesome teaching tool. I bet "Santa" already has one in his fly pack for you.
Good to hear Pa. I looked at the web site and couldn't find it anywhere. But, they are sold at Wally World.

"4 Sets of Quality Interchangeable Lenses (colors Clear/Polarized Black/Polarized Amber/ Polarized Sunglasses)"
I do hope you get them for Christmas because I would love to see live footage of you in action... and you could wear the clear while doing some fly tying... :-)

Id add it to my list but I think Santa mama would have a heart atttack laughing at the request.. LOL...

MacFly [cool]