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any one in zone three got black powder soot for shootin at them bucks?

and who is planning on going after them on the 10th in the upper zones?
Yea . I'll be ready for Friday evening . I haven't put anything in the freezer .
Deer camp, had to rebuild the Kerosene furnace pump so I kinda stunk bad enough to keep them well out of range.
Bow season , I didn't succumb to the bait pile temptation like the neighbors did so no deer over there either .

I reported a couple bait piles and a few illegal blinds this year on state land , all in areas I regularly hunt .

I put my tree stand in the area I got that big deer at on Saturday before the opener , come early Monday I stepped into a pile of pumpkins eight foot around on the way into the area , right on the two track .
I walked out , sat on the roar until daylight , put my gun up and went back in to get my stand the F out of there .
Huge bait piles all over the clearing with a tent set up right in the middle of it .
The guy says to me "were hunting this area this year ".

Hello RAP line .
I enjoyed the view when the DNRE showed up.
$500.00 for the illegal blind ,
$500.00 for each bait pile,
Being a fly on the wall to see it all , Priceless !

I'm against the bait ban , pretty much think it's all bull and just the way the DNRE is flexing it's authority to get their cut of bait tax money they want or no bait what so ever for Michigan hunters .

I would have "not saw" a bag of carrots or a bag of corn if you know what I mean , but truck loads and a threat , naw , I don't roll over for that kinda crap .

This was my last year at deer camp, the newest guy is just too unstable for me, he's got issues I am not willing to deal with .
21 years , it's all over with .
I am going to find another spot and start one up .
most hunters dont realize that deer only eat pie pumpkins, they dont eat Jacks. so there was a big waist of money there, they would have been better off picking up a feeder pig.
some people have a lot of stones.. Still dumping truck loads of feed in spite of the law changes, it is that vary issue that has the ban of feeding deer in place.. It gives sportsmen a bad name in prospective to respecting the current hunting laws and unsprotsman like conduct in the feild by changing the natural habitat for deer for miles around drawing deer to a central location away from thier normal circles and away from other hunters.

It will only take a few examples of this kind of conduct a year that will keep the baiting ban in place for years to come if not perminantly.

there was a guy down this way who got busted for hunting over a bait pile on privet property, he was hunting out of an old farm house, and the bait pile he was hunting over was from what I was told was in plain veiw of the road.

this next part I dont know if it is an exageration or not, but the story went that law enforcement officers and Game warden officials were waiting in the wood line in full combat gear, including tear gas guns and M-16s.. If that be true, I can only assume that who ever made the bait pile was target shooting from the house and some one heard all the shooting and turned them in.

I am with ya on the shady caractures or hunters with issues or people in general who's personal conduct makes me nervous to be around to say the least being in the same woods with me with a loaded gun.

I had the misfortune of hunting with one individual of that nature some years back, He was goofy when he was sober, but he would always head out in to the woods with a party pack, "smoke and drink" I had never hunted with him before and never did again after that single day I hunted with him and he litteraly ran in front of the barrol of my shotgun as I drew beed on a deer to finish off his sloppy shooting, "he blew off 3 of 4 legs below the knee and it was still getting away from him. Had I not been paying attention to him I would be in jail today becuase they would never beleived it was an accident. "suiside" I dont know how he ever passed his hunters safety class.

The last I heard of him was he moved up your way, and had done something to the point that the courts passed down the centance that he never be in the possesion of a fire arm. He was busted in the woods with a bow and got two years hard time and is not due to be out till some time this comming spring. I hope he got the shrink help he needed while in carceration, anyway he at least has been in detox for a good period of time.

I know I dont ever want to be in the woods again with another falling down drunk, they are a danger to them selves and every one else around them.

no way dose any one need to be around hunters like that, especialy if they are taking their little ones with them.

I remember years ago you had to pass a few test befor you was allowed in to camp, at least that was the way it was at the camp I was in, For any one was ever invited to camp they had to meet every one in camp first. a couple penny anny poker games was involved, some time spent at the gun range was manditory, and a cople barbiques.

the new guy had to get along with every one, hold his composure while under the drink, have respect for and minimum fire arms skill levels before any one ever said a single word to him about deer camp or one ever existed. The last thing we wanted was to have some one begging to get in to camp and acting out of his nature in attempts to getting in.

Granted there were lots of wash outs, and a few guys it took a year or two before they were allowed in to camp because they had to be molded "educated or skill levels brought up"

the most important part was 100% aproval from all members of camp before a new member was allowed in.

never was there an instance where some one in our camp was ever in danger from someone elses mal-adventurous activites.

Personality checks, Safty checks, and Food prep checks are the key issues one must concider befor a new member can get in,

Ya, food prep is on top of the list, the last thing any one wants is to not come home from deer camp because of food poisening.

It all begins with a fishing trip, [Wink]
I'll be out for sure
I'm looking for land over that way .
I like Curtisville but also like the lower Au Sable , something to throw the camper onto without too much worry it won't get broke into all the time.
I sure wouldn't put it on state land with out being there all the time.... I'm working on some land for next year ..maybe we can go in on it ? lease it?
Doe down , how's this for a shot ?

You have till december 31 to get it turned in to the
Q1 Buck Pole,

I know the rules say jan 2nd, but on tv yesterday they said dec 31, so dont take any chances.

this includes both bucks and does,

the winner of this years event is going to be a nice little quad for hauling out your next harvest. the event will be heald at soring eagle during the salmon run, so this looks like a shoe in for ya. [:p]