I have a used fly like that was donated to me.
The line has 2 colors to it. The fisrt color is kind of olive green and the second color is yellow.
This would indicate a sink tip line to me but it is a full floating line.
Why would it have 2 colors?
It may be to indacate how close to the backing you are getting. But thats just my guess
Thanks for responding.
You may be correct.
I forgot to mention that the line is about 50/50 in color.
I have never seen a floating line like this one before.
It is likely a Cortland 555 line. They are a double tapered line, meaning both ends of the line are the same. Middle 60 feet of the line is heavier, makes for easy mending and roll casting. They made it two colors to indicate the double taper.
Nice thing is that when the "front" side gets worn out you can turn it around and tie that end to your backing and the end that was previously tied to your backing is the same weight and taper as you had before. You get 2 times the lifetime out of one line. Not the greatest for distance casting, but a good line none the less.
Could it be a new idea for a Double Taper....:
Like Pookie said...LOL
But also bigger diameter running line than WF.
I know allot of fishers that will cut the line in half and store the unused portion so it is not exposed the the elements. More backing is all. Some even add Amnesia to the back of the half then backing to it.
Seriously get two lines for the price of one.
I have that, it is only like 15 or 20 feet though. That is common on sinking lines.
That is it!
Thanks for the link.
The line is very smooth and casts very well.
Thanks again for everyone's help.
Kewl, I would have never thought the Gold, but I looked at mine and it is like 30' then 60' . The color change is suppose to be at max load or something like that.
I haven't used mine but once, got spoiled with the Sharkskin. Maybe I will have to look at it again.
I don't have the Gold myself, but have tossed it on a couple different rods my friends have and I loved it. Rio Gold will definitely be my next floating line. I was very impressed.
You lucked out being given a $70 line! Good for you.
I sold lines like that in the past olive side to not spook fish,yellow for nymphing when you don't care. I think it was more of a marketing thing that didn't go over real well.
99% of fly fishing is marketing. And it is just getting worse with a line for everything. Next will be a line for shiners....
I do think the two color line is a great idea and has some merit.
My windcutter is grey the first 30' and that is the smaller diameter...where it will start loading up.
Cool idea although we did fine many years without. It is all evolution and some are fantastic.
I know I think of things that would make fly fishing more comfortable every time I am out fishing.
I am glad to a part that there is a team out there going "what if we made a line that did this". Sharkskin is a great example of that.[cool]