12-08-2010, 10:00 AM
Went back to the RP this morning. Dad was a little under the Wx so I was solo. I was showing 27 degrees when I left home. Got in the water and my steering cable was frozen! Water was about 57 degrees. The water release was a little slower than the past few days, but it was up a couple of feet. It started out really slow, I mean nothing until after 10 10:30 am. The I started catching a pot full of small spots, I mean one after another, fast and furious, but no size. I went down to the golf course and started fishing a small jig. About half way down I hooked into a monster! I fought that thing for about 25 min's. and finally drug it into the boat right in front of the condos above the Veteran's Bridge. I hurt my back getting that thing into the boat. I would hold the rod in one hand a while and the switch back fighting that silly thing. Back and forth, so I was tired. I finally got it's head nosed down into the live well and got some water over it. Then put a wet towel over the rest of the body to keep it wet and headed down to the Aquarium. The Captain of the River Employer helped me get back out of the well. I would have never got it by myself! Took a couple of pics and another guy put some kind of scales on her and said it was 73 lbs.! Then she went back into the water. I went back up the river and found a few better fish. I got a LM that was almost 6 lbs. and SM close to 5 lbs. Another 2 lb. LM and then lost another SM around 4 lbs. at the boat. I'll get some pics of them all posted as soon as I can get someone to do it! I still can't!