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I want to head up to scofield next weekend anybody have some suggestions on where to fish and what to use? Im not very familiar with the lake but i need to get out ice fishing any help greatly appreciated.
WE THREE KINGS, had a great trip last sat. The three of us pulled in 104, moistly cuts a few tigers and a few bows. We used small 1 1/2 in. tube jugs tipped with minnow. white and sand were the colors of choice. fished the west side in 8 ft. of water. Larger jigs were also effective but not as many hits. go clean out a bunch of small fish. We did get a bunch in to fifteen to 19 inch range but no weight. Last trip got three in the 4 and 5 # range. Have a great trip.
Thanks for the info cdbrc i really appreciate it if you don't mind me asking what time did you start fishing and what time did you finish?
Fished Scofield last Sunday. The trout were not particularly picky that day. We fished about 1/4 mile up from the dam and had good success all day long. Hottest lures were glow green and pink #10 rat finkies tipped with wax worms, night crawlers or chub meat, in about 10-15 feet of water. Make sure you have strike indicators or extremely light action rods. The bites were many, but lite.

Got out there before first light and fished until about 2 PM.

Catch was a mix of bows and cuts anywhere from six to fifteen inches. Not monsters, but still fun to catch and release.

Good luck!
Thanks a ton i sure hope i can get out next weekend after graduation, i have not been fishing since school started. I need to hook something.
Have any of you guys that have hit scofield recently seen many people on the ice with 4-wheelers?
Little scary yet, with all this warm weather. I'd wait a week or two. just my 2 cents
sorry for the delay, we fished from 8;30 TO 3, And it was pretty much non stop all day, maybe 10 to 15 min. in between hook ups. use just tubes ad minnow. the small jigs worked the best.
What was said about the indicator was vital, with out one you will only notice about one of every six strikes.
What kind of indicator do you use ice fishing? Im unfirmiliar with them and how to use them any pictures would be awesome. Thanks
There are a couple different types. It's just a thin wire or piece of metal that goes on the tip of your rod. They're much more flexible than even the lightest of rods.

They sell them at Sporty's in the ice fishing section for a little over a buck a pair. It's a must have for ice fishing, IMO.
i have seen 4 wheelers out there and i had my snowmobile on there saterday.. no problem at all.. the ice is 6 to 7 inchs solid ice.. the warm wether has not melted any of scofields ice.. and i'm guessing here but i'll bet after last nights cold temps. it should be frozen hard again. [sly]
Here is a short video on the strike indicator. Hope it comes through and helps.
Does anybody know how thick the ice is at scofield? Thick enough for a wheeler?
Was there Saturday just past the cabins. Fishing in 8 feet of water and the ice was 5". Did okay, not great. All small bows and cuts, no tigers. Certiainly the ice is not going to melt, only get thicker, with temps in 20-30 in the evenings.
I used mine on Saturday just to pull my tent back to the truck but if I would have know how thick the ice was by the dam I would have used it to get it on the ice al well.