My brother wants to take his daughter out ice fishing tomorrow but wants to know if there is any safe ice left on mantua of if there is any on newton... Thanks
Lets go fishing
Mantua is probably fine, especially if you stayed by the dam, but I heard there was a lot of water on top of the ice today. I personally wouldn't do it with kids. The last I was at newton was thanksgiving. just a guess but it's probably not safe. Maybe someone has a more recent report?
I second the not with kids. It's been way to warm for there to be much stable ice at the lower elevation waters. I've had 4+ feet of packed and piled snow melt of in my yard the last three days. I'd give it a couple more weeks or take the trek to Scofield where there should be plenty of others around just in case. Not worth the risk, but that's just my opinion. Good luck either way.
Fished mantua today, and there was still 4-5" of solid ice near the dam. There was, however, about 1/2-3/4" of water on top of that ice that made it hard to stay put in the hard blowing wind.
Caught 25 or so between the two of us in about 2.5 hours. Most fish were caught on green (glow) tear drops tipped with wax worms or meal worms anywhere from 2 feet under the ice to 6 inches off of the bottom.
I drove by Mantua today and there was lots of water on top of the ice!!! Just a heads up
Newton is capped but you'd have to bring a plank to get on. I was unable to get on and drill any holes so I don't know how thick it was...just slipped on the muddy bank and got a knee high bath in cold water.
Thanks for the updates folks. Confirms what I thought. My pond's ice has receded - guess I do get a chance to get them tea leaves out before they rot under the ice!!!
Had heard you might need a plank to get on Mantua too, but maybe not. And we're supposed to get more rain/snow mix? Need some good chill nights!
So instead of chasing ice - I'm thinking to hit open water. Either Cutler, maybe Logan river.
Anyone know how the conditions are at Benson or Cache Junction? Wondering if the boat launches are even open/accessible?
No plank needed for Mantua. I was out there this morning with a friend. We had a good 5 inches of ice. Back near the inlet where everyone usually walks out is open for about 4 feet at the shore. But 30 yards or so east of that, you can walk out no problem. Fishing wasn't hot, but steady.
Mantua was fine this morning. But then again, this post might be too late. I was out there this morning with about 5 inches of ice. I walked on to it from the ramp and was able to walk all the way out to the point. Thinnest ice was 4 inches. No water on top. Maybe some now this afternoon, but I would say it's fine for the kids. But always bring something just in case. There were kids out there running around today.
We did make it to Mantua today with his daughter. The slush was solid and it turned out to be a great weather wise but the fishing was a little slow. Watch out for soft ice though cuz a man did fall through today. He got out fine and only went in chest deep from what I could tell but we talked to his friend as we were leaving and he said he was drilled a hole around where he fell through and it was about 4 inches thick but he must have just hit a soft spot. Kinda creepy walking back after you see that happen. Be careful out there...
Lets go Fishing
We went out yesteday too. You could see soft spots and open holes throughout the area. I am done till it freezes hard for a while.