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This is a second hand report, but I got permission to post updated info from the original fisherman.

Mackay is fishing well on the upper end. The Kokes are biting light on small jigs tipped with small pieces of worm or waxies. The kokes are about 10" for the most part and there are some nice rainbows being caught.

The ice is about 8" thick.

i wish the kokes in that res. would get bigger. its just not big enough i guess.
Very cool! I'll be headed this week! I'll make a report when I get back!
Heck Yes!!! I will be there for Solstice and I don't care how big the trout are, becuase I promise to release every one, but there are 12 kokes whos days are limited when my son and I fish it! Thanks Windriver!

This is a first hand report. I fished Mackay this morning.
When I got there it was -10 deg [:/]. Dropped my first line down the hole at 8:30 & was packed up at 10:00. When I left it had warmed up to -5 deg. I got 5- 11" koke & 1-18 1/2" Rainbow & still made it back to Idaho Falls for lunch. The ice was 9" thick where I was fishing.

Thank you for the update; I will be there Tuesday!

I'll be there in the morning. Hopefully it will go well. I'll let every one know when I get back.

Snow forecast kept me from going over today. It's a long drive if it's a blizzard!
We fished at the upper launch yesterday and limited out in about 1 hour. I talked with a guy that fishes almost everyday and he said it had been good all week. We caught 2 trout and everything else was Kokanee. They are in the smoker. Yum Yum.[Image: scaredworried.gif]
I am headed over to Mackay Monday . I will report when I get back . I need a kokanee for the contest . Curt G.
Hit mackay today left pocatello at noon, arrived there at 2 despite the storm it was a beautiful afternoon we were the ONLY 2 on the hole resevoir Fished in 30 ft of water a foot off the bottom took us 15 minutes to get 10 fish the vexilar was a HUGE contribution to catching these as im used to fishing 10 - 15 ft at ririe and these were really deep, nothing big little smaller then the ririe kokes ended up being home by 6 good solid 8" of clear ice, just as we were leaving the Nampa auto parts shante was pulled out on the ice. any question feel free to ask. Just as we almost hit arco we ran into a MASSIVE heard of elk probably 4-500 head counted only 5 bulls all small Big Grin good luck!
You weren't the only one on the lake today we were just already gone.[Wink]

We were fishing just South of the only ice house that was on the lake (upper end). We got there at about 9 AM it was dead slow started thinking about moving, but we kept seeing fish on the vex and Steelfishers Marcum. So we stuck it out.

The bite turned on at 11:30. Steelfisher limited out first. It took a little longer for my three boys to bring them all in, but the school stayed under us until they got all there fish.

We ended up landing 30 Kokes between the five of us. We had a lot more get off at the hole. We also caught and released two nice brooks and three rainbows.

The wildlife viewing was awesome with the coyotes out in the morning, hawks, antelope, deer, and rabits. I would have loved seeing the elk. Sounds like we left a little too early.

I too am preparing the kokes for the smoker.

We seen a couple guys down at the battlle grounds area but as soon as we got on the ice they disapeared we had it all to our selves(or so i thought) it was amazing.
WindRiver Why did you let the brookies go . You can keep 25 a day and they don't count towards your six trout or kokinee limit. Curt G.
I forgot about that. The brooks were pretty big at about 14". Anyway I wasn't hungry for trout I went there for Kokes. [cool]

PokyFisherman/ Windriver,

Thanks for the report guys I will be there Tuesday for my son and I's annual Solstice tradition. Sounds like we will get into them. We also look forward to the wildlife experience you usually have at Mackay.

There's a good chance that I'll be there too with a friend. I'll make sure to say hello if I see you. We'll have a red quick fish 6 if we make it there.
We will probably be the only two parties on the lake; it being a Tuesday and all. We will certainly be there unless it is a whitrout and highway 20 is closed. My son and I consider it a holiday!
