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A few picks of our waterfowl highlights so far this year. The 1 year old lab pup is tearin' it up out there.

[inline Pup.jpg]
Great pics, looks like I need to follow you around for a little Thanks for sharing, and I am glad those ducks are keeping you busy from ice fishing. Although, if there was a duck hunting contest this year you might be a force to watch out for there too. Good job.[cool]
Sweet. Don't wear that dog out, or your back. i can come help!...

Nice stringer of mallards...
Haha yeah between the ducks and geese and the Pup, i'm sure I won't be doing much... if any fishing until end of Jan. I probably won't be much of a force to watch out for this year[:/]
sweet reward band man! that's a whole mess of mallards, makes me think I need to get out more, or spend more money. or both.
It actually wasn't a reward band dang it! We shot two geese with identical double bands and neither were rewards! The sucky thing is you spend more money to get out more! Means less money for decoys, shells, and gear!
Wow, I thought double banded meant one was a reward band, that sucks! The government should reward band more birds, waterfowlers need a bailout just as much as everyone else!