12-15-2010, 10:00 AM
<br /> Jim and I put in at the East ramp this afternoon and fished til dark.<br /> Headed straight down the lake... fooled around down there fishing a couple points and bluffs for an hour or so... only put 2 fish in the boat. It was terrible! <br /> Eventually decided we weren&#39;t going to get anything done down the lake and headed back up towards the ramp. For the rest of the day we stayed within a mile or 2 from the ramp.... we caught the fish pretty well too. Ended up putting 20 more fish in the boat for a total of 22. Float and fly was working well, even though we got a couple off dropshots and texas rigs. <br /> Jim and I boated 15 or so keepers. Had 3 LM with one being 18&amp;quot; and the other being 17&amp;quot;. He caught a nice spot going 18&amp;quot; as well. The rest of our fish were mostly 14-15 inchers. <br /> Managed a 13&amp;quot; perch on the float and fly too! First perch since the monsters we caught back in early March! The perch took my &amp;quot;Perch&amp;quot; fly. emoBig
<br /> Saw Strato-G out there today... talked to him on the phone when we were on our 5th fish. Funny how we were talking about how bad the bite was then as soon as I hang the phone up, we started tearing them up. There were 6 or 7 boats out there. By the time we left, everyone had gone home. <br /> Will be up there again tomorrow with Basspro96... hopefully we can get one of those trophy spots. Good luck on the water, be safe.