Fishing Forum

Full Version: harvick2938, Chickamuaga, , 12/11/2010, jigx1229, c.coffey
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<br /> Today was pretty cold and windy. Started fishing shallow structure w/a BG in a variety of colors. Didn't have any luck so we moved out to deeper water. emoBadLanguage We went to one of my main super secret holes. <br /> <br />It was like a light switch the fish turned on. it was sickening the amount of keeper crappie we boated today! I think the last time we looked @ our counter it showed 120+ We boated most of our crappie in 15-30ft of water. It didn't seem like the 7 to 8 count was working, so we tried 15-20 count. WE had our most luck on a 17 count. By far the best bait today was the Crawfish BG, C. Harvick had most of his luck on the smoked color and another color we can't disclose. <br /> <br /> emoHungry we ran into a couple of CFF'ers today and shot the bull, it seemed a lot of them were having pretty good luck too. <br /><br />  <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />