Hello everyone.. I hope this finds you catching lots of fish!! My husband was looking through this years' new outdoor almanac and was reading about the sail line. We both love surf fishing and I found a site that tells you how to build and use the line's. We were just hoping for some input from anyone that has maybe used one before and how good they are and what type of bait is best.. Any input would be great appreciated!
Thanks a bunch,
Richard and Renee'
Life's short... Fish hard!
I do lots of surf fishing but I have never heard of a sail line.It may just be a different term.Tell me what it is and I will let you know if I know anything about it.I have heard of Kite fishing.But that does not really work down here at Padre because there is not 10 days out of the year that the wind is blowing the right direction.Its always hitting you in the face while looking out into the Gulf.
Thanks so much for replying!! Yeah.. we have read up on kite fishing and don't think it would work here either for the same reason. And the sail line would only work in the winter because the wind will be out of the north so we will try it then.. Here is the link to the site we found the sail line
[url "http://phartattack.tripod.com/sailline.htm"]http://phartattack.tripod.com/sailline.htm[/url]
Thanks again for replying.. let me know if you have seen this before..
Thanks again
Life's Shorth...Fish Hard!!
You know it looks like that might work.Lots of times the wind down here at Padre is coming in at an angle.If I had some knowledge of sailing you might could get the line out by tacking, as the article mentioned.If you could get it figured out I'll bet you could catch fish with it.