Fishing Forum

Full Version: Fisherman saying whats your favorite ?
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Give A man afish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

Acient proverb

Or as any wife says;

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you wil never see him.
I like the old[size 2]

"Fish or cut bait"[size 2][/size][/size]


There is a great country song about a wife who forces her husband to choose between fishing and her. The chorus goes," I am going to miss her " [cool]
[font "Comic Sans MS"]My wife told me she was going to leave me if I didn't stop fishing. I dearly love my wife so I'm sure gonna miss her[/font]


My wife said I don't want you smoking so I quit, She said I need to cut back on drinking so I did, she said I think you need to spend more time home and less time fishing, I said," I think we need to re-think our marriage" [unimpressed]

She never brought of fishing again except to say," Have a good time " [cool]

I don't care alot but I want I do care for I do alot ( Fishing )

Here's my ad for my new wife:

[size 7]WANTED[/size]

[size 2]Woman with boat who can cook fish, clean fish and do laundry.[/size]

[size 2]Please send picture of boat [cool][/size]
That one is good i like it.[Smile]

Nothing grows faster than a fish from the time he bites to the time he gets away.

Ron's saying:

If it's got water, it's fishable!
Hi !! My first post here and I would have to say my favorite is

CATFISH TAKE A LOOK AT MY WORM lol its not a saying but something dumb my dad sings when he fishes

I cant believe this one hasnt made it in yet !!

[cool]"HOOK UPPPPP"!!!!!!!![cool]
[cool][font "Comic Sans MS"][#0000ff][size 5] On the sixth day, God created fish.[/size][/#0000ff][/font]

[font "Comic Sans MS"][#ff0080][size 5]On the seventh day, God went fishing.[/size][/#ff0080][/font]

[font "Comic Sans MS"][#400040][size 5]On the issue of fishing vs wives... I believe that marriage licenses should be like fishing licenses... you gotta renew them every year.[/size][/#400040][/font]

Hi TubeDude,

Like the idea! How would you work the enhancment and the 2 pole stamps? I'd want to know exactly what I'm getting for my money! Ya, and what if they slap a slot limit on ya?!

[cool]Don't know about the two pole thing. I'm not into the kinky stuff.

Slot limit? Now you're gettin' too clinical. Better not touch that one. (Tee Hee)

A whole lot of interesting considerations for the "Bag and possession limit".

But, back to the original subject of this thread, I got another one:

[#0080ff]You can fish...or you can worry. But, you can't fish AND worry. (Fishing is good therapy for whatever ails you.)[/#0080ff]
[cool] [red][size 4] We always say in CA " Work is for people who don't know how to fish" and don't forget the all time favorite of everyone, " A bad day fishing still beats a good day at work".[/size][/red]


Marriage is like fishing...You keep throwing your line out until you get a bite then you reel it in. Unfortunatley if you don't like the fish and throw it back it takes half of your equipment!


The trout do not rise in the cemetery, so you better do your fishing while you are still able.

The ultimate lure is the mind of the fisherman.
One of the turning points in my life was when I got my first bait- casting outfit.

Jimmy Carter[Smile]
You cant catch fish on a dry Line.