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see my own responses in the thread about catching fish/ride in
I took my daughter up there Halloween day, she had a blast, she caught a few pushing 5 pounds. We were right off the ramp at Poison creek, fishing with worms. Make sure you take some pictures for us.
was talking to my pops about that place today. We hunt quackers up there and once the road from bone blows shut we stop but now that he picked up a sled we are talking about heading up there next tues. Be nice to do a day of icefishing and maybe shoot some green heads too. Let us know how it is.
[:/] well not so good- we caught one and missed one in 4 hrs. Probably would have been better earlier. We fished the dam around 11am till 1pm then went to poisen creek -nada at poisen. You could see fish once in a while at the dam but couldn't entice them to bite! The one bow we did ice was 18". Road in had 5 " of brand new snow so ride was excellent! I also forgot to take my pic for the ice fishing contest-[Tongue]-oh well!
I forgot- ice at dam was 8" of good solid ice. Ice at poison is ANOTHER story all together! At least 10" of slush under 5" of snow but yes-still 6" of good ice under all of that!!