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Full Version: EC, Echo- any ice info?????
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Just "trolling" for any ice reports for East Canyon or Echo.

I was up at echo on the 18th and the edges were frozen most of the way around the lake. Down by the dam it was frozen too although I didnt get out and test it. Over all I would say its about 40% ice with the middle open water. but it did look like it was starting to freeze.
i took a drive up to east canyon last saturday and there wasnt a spec of ice on it..... must just take so long to freeze because its so deep.. but i dunno
[cool]here's your ice info for those two bodies of water: Most years, they don't have safe ice until about New Years Day. Last year was the exception to the rule as it got very cold about 3 weeks before Christmas and they were both good to go a few weeks earlier than normal. With these warm temps and rain/snow mix going on, I'd say this year we're going to be lucky if safe ice by New Years on those lakes, Rockport, Pineview, etc. Hopefully we get a cold snap soon, but judging by the forcast, there's no cold temps for the next 5 days or so. [frown] If you want to ice fish the next little while, your best bet is higher elevation slimer lakes, such as Scofield, Mud Creek or Chicken Creek East at Strawberry, etc. Good luck.
If echo hurries up I might try for some night cats through the ice.

Don't have any high hopes for tons and tons of fish but even if I just catch one - the kitties that are still in there are starting to get pretty big. 15+ I wouldn't be surprised.

I've caught 15lb fish 6-7 years ago. Bet there are some around 20 in there now.
Thanks to all for the reports. I remember ice coming on EC early last year. Hope the cold sets in soon. After that cold spell before thanksgiving I thought for sure it would happen this year too.

That would be a blast catching one of those big cats in there through an icehole! Somebody caught like an eleven pounder there either last year or the year before. There are pics of it on this site in the archives...
We caught a decent ones in 09. I hope for some good reports this year for the place.
They are in there. Not in the numbers that they used to be but there are some big kitties in there. Know a few people that caught some nice ones this summer.

I have not done very well at all there over the past few years - I have had trouble catching any in the summer and spring..... It used to be full of 5-10lb fish. With 12-15lbers more rare but they were in there. Now I think most of the fish left are over 10lbs.

Up here in our best cat waters in Wyoming people catch them at night on jigging spoons in 10-30' of water. I've mentioned this a bunch on here but just putting some ideas in the heads of you all you Utah kitty anglers. You have some pretty decent cat waters I would have to think they can be caught pretty well through the ice if you target them. Most catch them on accident this time of year fishing for other species. Use cutbait and a spoon, provides flash, vibration and scent. Deadly.