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Full Version: it was just amazing to experience
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so there I was! Just sitting there on the wheeler smoking my cigarette and I see a small herd of doe deer in the field across from me.. And I hear them making there noise they make! So out of fun and being courius I try to mimmic there noise and sure enough they start moving closer my heart was racing like crazy I kept making the noise and they kept coming closer my adrenilen was just racing though me heart beating like crazy! I sat very calmly in my brown hoody and black sweats they came closer and closer when they finally stoped they were so close I could hear them breathing so close I could have reached out to grab there big ole ears.. Did I get pictures hell yes I did.. I will post them tomorow as they are on my phone and I'll have to transfer them to my computer the picture is dark but the deer are clearly visible on how close I was to them.. That my friends just totaly made my whole year it was so amazing...
awesome cant wait for the pictures.
its called deer talk. it does work!!! even on mule deer. don lunbaw makes the deer talk call. this thing is awsome!!! way back when 20 yrs ago my dad and i went to the berry in fall just before the bow hunt. i told i could call deer he called bs being a life long big buck chaser. as we drove around the backside i saw a 4 point comming to a water hole. he was about 200 yrd from cover and about 40 from his drink. i got outa the truck and ran at him screaming bloody murder. of course he bolted for cover back the way he came. i let him get about 100 yrds from the tree line and hit the call. he slowed from a stot to a trot i hit it again and he locked up and looked back. i kept hitting the call every 2 or 3 mins. he came back to withing 50yrs. the most fun i ever had with this call is durring fawning season in spring. if you see a fawn blow it like a cyotee call. deer in distress. any doe within ear range will come on a dead run pissed as hell ready to stomp a kyotee. be carefull of the deer snot.

Works with a sandwich too.....
It is pictures like this that make me wonder what i am doing wrong. I have had tag soup for the past 2 years. Great picture, was it in yellowstone? I have seen very calm deer there and observed a few take handouts from people. It is not very good for them to relate humans with food but man great pictures.
its in Oregon.
[#000050]Chrome Junky is right, this is Wallowa Lake Campground in Eastern Oregon. The Deer are pretty much tame and protected year round. I agree that they shoudn't get fed by humans. After I wouldn't share by sandwich they moved on to a pickup parked on the road and stood on the running boards and stuck theri heads in the windows... [cool][/#000050]