12-22-2010, 10:00 AM
Dr Phillip and I went to the Riverpark this AM to look for some striper action. The water flow today was 45,000&#43; cfs and we could not find any striper bites. The water temp did rise to 45.8 today so it did increase 1 degree from Sunday. We only had 1 bite and it was from the fattest Smallmouth bass that I have ever caught. The fish was only 16&quot; long, but weighed a whopping 3 lbs 6 ozs on my digital scales. The pic just doesn&#39;t do it justice. It was caught on a 2&quot; sassy shad on a 1/4 oz jighead in an eddy current.<br /><br />It started drizzling and I forgot to put the motor cowling back on my motor, so we quit for the morning after 1.5 hours of fishing. Short and sweet. emoBig
emoGeezer <br /><br />Memo to self: Do not go striper fishing below Chickamauga when they are running over 35,000 cfs. It is a waste of time.