Fishing Forum

Full Version: yellburt, , crappie/bass., 12-23-10, bassERT.
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well i got pat out for one more time before he migrates south.. an can i say it was windy...we put in at holly circle, an went down the river to deliver a bag of fe-lays,to an old friend that we met this summer, an a cff brother ,,hope he enjoys eating them as much as we enjoyed catching them off his dock.. the wind was so bad that we only had one or two places to fish,as it is hard to fish in white caps. but it was more of just getting out an enjoying one more trip together. i finally managed to land 3 specs an one went into the well , while pat got on nice green fish into the boat, close to two pounds...the fish i caught was in about 5 fow. do not know the water temp...saw a couple of other crazy folks out there...i will be so glad to see feb get here. maybe the crappie will be ready to eat by then...shoot i may even do alittle bass fishing this winter. i believe that if you have a boat , it needs to be put in the water at least one day every week,an two if you can get away with it...well thats the last report of the year for me an pat,wasnt much but we did at least give it a try,,you never know when you will have a good report for yellburt an bassert will be next may i am told...dang i miss him already............ emoUSA emoUSA emoUSA pat may have a picture or two to post...we will have to wait an see....merry christmas to all, an i hope all has a better year next year... emoUSA <br />