So I got a $20 Sportsmans Warehouse giftcard for Christmas and they have an online offer where anything over $100 gets another $20 off I'm thinking it's time to buy another fly rod. I need a decent 8 weight. Here's my criteria...I want something priced very moderately (in the $120-$140 range), relatively easy to cast and not too heavy. Pretty much impossible eh? Well I have also been looking at a couple rods online and wanted to know if anyone has tried them...the Ross Essence FS or the Redington Red Fly. Let the debate begin! Any info would be great!
Take a look at St. Croix and Temple Fork as well.
both are good rods. Redington has been good to me at replacing two different rods when broken. Life time warranty is a must!
Windriver - I've thought extensively about getting a TFO TICR...I'm thinking about hanging on until tax season to snag one...not sure though. Would you say it's worth the wait for a TICR rather than either of my other two options? That additional $20 off this week is what's making me think.
[quote windriver]Take a look at St. Croix and Temple Fork as well.
I would place my vote for one of these also. This is only because of experiance I have had with them. I have not used the other two brands you mentioned.
I am going to ask what your casting style is. The TiCr is a very fast rod that goes for the TiCr X as well. Do you want a stiff action rod? Would be good for big flies and wind, but this is fast action.
Reddington, St. Croix, Echo all are great options.
You fly fish and have other rods so, you can understand when I say, don't buy a rod ONLY because the price is right. Make sure it is right for you and you do have many choices in the same price range.
My opinion only...TFO, Reddington, Ross are all good rods and can be found in your price range. I'm also partial to Lami Glas.
Like someone said, make sure you know what you want before you buy. "Easy to cast" means different things to different folks. I like a fast casting and find that style easy to cast for me....others prefer a slow cast.....
Several of the local fly shops carry Ross and Reddington so you should go touch some before going with a part# on line.
Good luck...
I have limited experience but just upgraded to the ross this year from my beginners rod and I really like the way it handles.
Like Flygoddess said, it is best to find out if you like a fast action rod. I really like the warranty on Temple Fork. Never had a problem with them.
I am with windriver and flygoddess, get a rod that fits your criteria. The TFO TiCr to me would be a great choice for an 8 wt, but I like the faster action, and stiffness of that particular rod. It all comes down to what you want in a rod, but the TiCr is a great choice from a great company.
I just went into Sportsman's tonight and picked up the TICR and Professional Series...I think I'd actually like the way the Professional Series casts better than the TICR...Anyone have experience with that rod?
I have the TICR X 6 weight and I love the way it casts. Definitely a stiff, fast action rod. I've held the professional series rods but never casted one. They are a slower action rod and would be better for a less aggressive caster. Like everyone has said, depends on your casting style. I can say my TICR X casts just about as good as my sage z axis which cost me about twice as much money.
I have the 10' 5wt. When I was looking for a 10' rod, I did look at the Sage, but too stiff/fast. then looked at the St. Croix. Then I cast the Pro and that is the feel I like.
But, I do not care for very fast rods. I do have a Tip flex Orvis and a BIIx Winston, but neither are as fast as the TiCrs. In fact my 8 wt is a BIIx and an Orvis. Love them both cause they weigh less than most 5 wts out there.
I love the TFO on the rivers. I will say, I have had to send it in to get fixed twice. $30. and a few weeks, great warranty.
Got a 5wt tfo pro series for christmas and I love that series of rod. Pops has a 6 wt that I have thrown on the SF and they are a good all around rod. Wanted a 4 but they were out apparently.
Headed out here in a few to see if we cant yank in a few browns off the sf
Not that it might matter to anyone, but St. Croix is the only one mentioned that is still made here in the USA.
And I don't know about the other companies, but they offer a TRADE UP program which is very cool.