For all my LB area friends. Low tide is at like 6:30am with High Tide at 1:20pm. Anaheim Bay ( Huntington Harbor ) does very well during this kind of early morning tides which is good because it will pull you all the way through the harbor and back out [cool]
I have been using squid and green and white plastics and had good luck.
3 small Halibuts last time and something big I lost [

But I will save that for the FISH STORIES BOARD [cool]
Good Luck this weekend, and if you boating or tubing be careful. Holidays mean drunks + inexperience means trouble. Report anyone driving reckless or dangerously to Harbor Patrol.
I keep a Marine VHS Handheld Radio with me now. Already came in handy when some idiot was intentionally waking float tubers and small boats.
I called Harbor Patrol, they witnessed it, and he got a ticket [cool]
Nothing like seeing some idiot getting his in the end. Be careful and remember to have some safety equipment with you like a whistle or air horn and life vest!
[cool]Every day is a good day to fish. Some better than others. But, hey, isn't that what they say about other things too?
Sounds like the ideal setup for using the tidal flow to provide the power in and out, with some slack water in the middle.
Hope you have a good trip and stay safe.
Looks like TubeBabe and I might hit one of the local lakes for a while on Saturday morning. The temps have moderated a bit, and we have even had some rain the last couple of weeks. The family turmoil has subsided so it looks like all systems are go.
And, if fishing is good and we are masochistic enough, we might even go out again Monday morning. But, I don't think the tides will be running too heavy on Saguaro Lake...although the idiots and their toys will likely be out in force.
[font "Times New Roman"][size 2]I gotta paint Sat and Sun so no fishing for me [unsure] But you noticed I planned painting for a 3 day weekend so I can still fish on Monday [
[font "Times New Roman"][size 2]I have tubed Santa Ana River Lakes and Corona Lakes in Calif but there not consistant. I seem to have better luck on the ocean.[/size][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][size 2]But again you have to watch that tide! I see people fishing low tide all the time complaining they don't catch anything..Duh[/size][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][size 2]I tell them fish between these times and then they call me and say," yeah we caught bass and halibut and a couple sharks"[/size][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][size 2]I shoot them that [url ""][/url] address and tell them to fish when the tide comes in and leave when it does.[/size][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][size 2]Works everytime for me [cool][/size][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][size 2]Good luck on the lakes![/size][/font]
[cool]Yeah, I first started fishing bays when I was still in high school, in Garden Grove. I mostly fished the back bay of Newport...both days and nights. Like yourself, I watched the tides because I learned from an old timer who showed me the ropes that the fish usually went out with the tide. Even though there was usually a channel left, with some water in it, there were few if any fish. But, when the tide started flooding back in, the fish came with it, to feed on the small marsh fishies and invertebrates that made the back bays their nurseries.
Since then, I have fished bays, harbors and inlets all around the country. It is almost universal that the predatory fish are most active and catchable when the current is moving their buffet table to them. If you can find some good ambush spots and keep casting to them, that's where you will find the fish.
In the salt water marshes and canals below New Orleans, high tide flooded big shallow marshy areas. When the outgoing tide started draining...through "cuts", the redfish, speckled sea trout, flounders and other opportunistic fishies stacked up and competed for every "cockahoe" minnow and shrimp that washed out of the marshes. They liked my 3" twisters and shad just fine too. Had a lot of hundred fish days.
If you want some better fresh water fishing, leave the Santa Ana River Lakes alone and go farther inland to Perris...or up to Silverwood. The pond at Laguna Niguel seems to be getting some good results too.
I have a target of getting back over to the Salton Sea again. But, while I still have my mother to take care of, the longer trips are not an option. One of these days we will be coming over your way for some salt water action too. We'll get a BFT flotilla going.
My friend lives down in Lake Elsinore. I am thinking about staying with him a couple days and hitting Perris, Skinner and maybe even go down to Dixon.
I can't wait until Monday to fish again. Pontoon float did really well. Very stabile and lots of room. I am working on getting some live bait before I go so I can get the BIG FISHIES!
I'll let you guys know how I did Tuesday
hey tuben fishfather
let me know what day you hit perris next week
and I'll be happy to show you the hot spots, what rigs work best, and the right worms to use.
[url "mailto"][/url]
Thanks for the invite. When I get ahold of my friend down there I will see what weekend I will come down.
Hi TubeDude,
You're mentioning a flottila reminds me. Did I tell you littlefish (the guy that advertises on BFT, I think) had a film crew out doing a show for TV on them floattube fishing the Alamitos Bay area starting from Mother's Beach. I missed a second of stardom by 2 hours! ha ha
I two concur with you guys. 2 hours before and 2 hours after high tide. Ah ha, not only that, but I get it from some striper surf fishing anglers that the 1st high tide of a 24 hour period, where the first high is around dawn is the mostest, bestest time. I got lost when they started to add in the moon phases and choosing the first high that has taken the most time to get there from the last low. Oh, almost forgot, how about the one that says a good fishing tide is the one where there is the biggest difference between the last low and the high tide to fish. ha ha ha
I suspect some rocket scientist sneaked in on some those boards trying to sabatoge the idea of just going!
I love Anaheim Bay entrance because if you anchor right there while the tide is coming in and toss your plastics or whatever bait you use you are almost guaranteed several fish. Just remember to get the hell away from there when low tide starts. [

Extremley strong vacumm effect! [shocked]
[cool]Right you are, JapanRon. Theory is great, but we have both been fooled before. And, I don't know about you, but some of my best ever trips have been when I just had to get out and go...regardless of the fact that the forecast would have been for lousy fishing. I'm glad that the fish do not always read the same forecasts we do.
I sometimes suspect that fishermen with too much time on their hands go through all those complicated calculations just to hone more potential excuses for when they get blanked. I don't need no steenking excuses. If I catch fish...great. If I don't catch fish, I probably had a great time anyway. I just practiced conservation a little more effectively than I would have preferred.
I am a catch and release person for the most part on less I go out on a charter looking for something specific.
I think it is a charma thing. I notice when I do catch and release I do better too [cool]
[unsure][pirate] Monday will be fine as long as it is not a Castaic Lake in CA. That is the official closing day for the Lake.[mad][mad][mad][



][pirate][pirate] darn [url "mailto:%$#^%$$%^&%%%*%^&*&#@%"]%$#^%$$%^&%%%*%^&*&#@%[/url]@##@ beauracrats.
For all you lake fisherman in tubes in LB area there is alot of good places to fish in the ocean. Most of these guys know the spots. Bays,etc that are nice and mellow and safe.
If you ever get bored on the lakes I am sure anyone on this board can recommend some good spots to tube.