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Full Version: Angler Shop Sales?
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Hey all, Have any of you heard about any of the fishing shops up north having sales soon? I have a nice bunble of christmas loot tucked away for next season and am itching to spend it.

I haven't heard anything but was hoping that stores like Anglers Den and Sportsmans Warehouse would have end of year/ Begining of year sales.

Thanks for any advice,

Also anyone know of a good ultra light lure rod? I have a nifty new fly tying setup and have made some pretty interesting flies the last few days. I am not a "Flyfisherman" but I have used my spinning rod with very good success in the past with flies. I was hoping some of you would know of a rod/Reel that is able to throw flies and light tackle a bit farther.

So ya... all that comes out to mean- anyone know of any sales at our angler shops, and what kind of rod/reel should I look at for distance casting light tackle.

It dosent get any cheaper than WAL-MART[Smile]
haha true, but there is a difference between on sale and cheap. I want some of the best stuff on the market, I would like to just make good deals. Not buy cheap going up to riverdale today to splurge a couple hundred into next year.
Nothing wrong with flies and spinning gear, but just not going to get those top feeders (which is the BEST feeling seeing the fish come up and take your fly) with out that fly gear.[cool]
I was actually at Wallyworld today and saw the begining fly rod setup they have there. It was roughly $70 ish if I remember correctly. I was tempted to get it. Before buying the real ones that I hear empty your wallet fast.

I have never even watched someone flyfish so I don't know if there really is any real change in technique or such.

Maybe I'll pick that up tomorrow to just play around with?

Thanks for your advice, I agree there was nothing like going up to the uinta lakes and watching the tigers come through the crystal clear water and take a fly!
Not sure what outfit Walley-World is offering but Cabelas has a few Rod & reel outfits that are under 100 bucks.

There 3 forks outfits is a pretty decent rod its 80 bucks rod, reel, line, & backing.

Walk toward the light and pick up a fly rod [Wink][Wink][angelic]