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Full Version: Fish Report Echo Bay New Years Weekend
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my family and I, got out of town this weekend and stayed at our houseboat @ Echo Bay. I also took my center console out and braved the cold.

I slammed nice fat stripers all weekend in th 2-4 pound range. I lost a 20+ pounder at the boat which almost killed me. Biggest i have ever got that close on the overton arm. But, they are there, just have to find em.
Sounds like a great trip. A 20lber, that would have been sweeeeet. Thanks for the report. We dont mind pics here either Smile
sorry only took 1, was to cold to remember taking pics... but this was a decent small one.
Hey nice one LVfishingdude [cool]

I personally love fishing the overton arm would fish it more often if it was closer but thats the beauty of it.

Also agree they are there jus got to find em[fishin]
as I like to say you got to put in the muscle.I was in the boulder basin sat morning and slayed them aswell. It was cold indeed didnt expect the action ahead. Ever notice the more you catch the warmer it gets [cool] Also curious what were you using to catch em?
i caught them all on the same brand & color lure.

The only differance was one was a 6" diver and the other one was a 9" suspending.

It is a running joke with my wife and father since they cost between 15-21 bucks each. They are kinda hard to find, only found them in bass pro and sports chalet. Lucky Brand Handmade Lures. shad color.

They never fail me on either end of the lake. I tell my friends and family, when the weather is crappy, that is when i go fish since i always catch more. Rain, sleet, or snow I will go!

Lightning is a differant story, but i will keep fishing with nasty clouds above me until i see a