01-04-2011, 08:00 PM
01-04-2011, 08:16 PM
01-04-2011, 08:26 PM
Care to elaborate?
01-04-2011, 08:36 PM
01-04-2011, 08:47 PM
ok the next question would be what kind of bait you would use, structure or areas to look for, and if your really feeling generous where would you go?
01-04-2011, 08:50 PM
01-04-2011, 08:52 PM
I haven't done it myself but here is a u-tube video on it.
[url "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4AQsAVF-J7Y"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4AQsAVF-J7Y[/url]
[url "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4AQsAVF-J7Y"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4AQsAVF-J7Y[/url]
01-04-2011, 08:58 PM
Your profile says it all.
01-04-2011, 09:07 PM
1 Worm on hook
2 Down the hole
3 Wait
Its not rocket science![[Image: bobwink.gif]](http://www.bigfishtackle.com/images/gforum/bobwink.gif)
1 Worm on hook
2 Down the hole
3 Wait
Its not rocket science
![[Image: bobwink.gif]](http://www.bigfishtackle.com/images/gforum/bobwink.gif)
01-04-2011, 10:54 PM
When it comes to flatheads I think that ice fishing for them is a waste of time. Look at these videos.
[url "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jm35fIjJBzY"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jm35fIjJBzY[/url]
As far as Channel cats go. Look at the thread about alexander Res. A guy there got one through the ice. Here is a video with channel cats in cold water. Ron
[url "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwpcDxmkTwc&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwpcDxmkTwc&feature=related[/url]
[url "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jm35fIjJBzY"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jm35fIjJBzY[/url]
As far as Channel cats go. Look at the thread about alexander Res. A guy there got one through the ice. Here is a video with channel cats in cold water. Ron
[url "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwpcDxmkTwc&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwpcDxmkTwc&feature=related[/url]
01-04-2011, 11:59 PM
Those are really cool videos. I watched a few others by the same guy too. I thought the piles of dormant flathead cats was amazing! That was certainly something that I didn't envision.
01-05-2011, 01:15 AM
[cool][#0000ff]I have fished both channels and flatheads around the country. Channels are definitely more active in colder water. Wherever there are flatheads they pretty much quit biting when the water drops much below about 60 degrees. In some places the local snaggers know the deep holes where flatheads snooze through the cold months and snag the heck out of them. Not cool.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I imagine that the productive season for flatheads in Idaho is not very long. But if you hook a biggun they really pull good.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I imagine that the productive season for flatheads in Idaho is not very long. But if you hook a biggun they really pull good.[/#0000ff]
01-05-2011, 01:48 AM
A couple of years ago I saw them on Roberts pond on the aqua-view. I could not get them to bite. If anyone gets on through the ice that wouls be an awsome challenge. I do know it is possible.
01-05-2011, 03:26 AM
that was me on the alexander post... I'm no excpert but I seem to have ok luck... Everywhere I go..... I just want to point out one thing though please go to alexander in the warm months when the carp are biting...and help me out on trying to get rid of them darn fish from there.. I know it's not going to help much but it sure is worth the efort... Pass the word on about alexander.. Yes I'm going to hotspot it it is underfished... And under apreciated... And it needs help with the carp problem.. I'm still thinking of putting on a big gathering of fishermen to have a carp bash out there... I've talked to the fish and game and they basically said just find a way to dispose of them... So I'm still looking for some one that could dispose of them...
01-05-2011, 03:59 AM
Ooooohhhh - don't tempt him - TD will show you his "carp recycling" methods. Brutal, but quite amusing.
Funny - I saw a Utube of a bowfisher slaying a grundle of carp, and some of the commentary was actually bashing him for being a cruel fat redneck.
Um - they're carp. Unless you Asian and like pickling - they are garbage (but they do make good catfish bait - filleted into strips, and slap 'em on a hook)
Funny - I saw a Utube of a bowfisher slaying a grundle of carp, and some of the commentary was actually bashing him for being a cruel fat redneck.
Um - they're carp. Unless you Asian and like pickling - they are garbage (but they do make good catfish bait - filleted into strips, and slap 'em on a hook)
01-05-2011, 04:14 AM
oh tempt him I may!!! I could use all the help I could get... Any way I've never had any luck with carp and cats.. I do well though with sucker and cats.... One year I was fishing alexander for some cats and I hooked into a pretty good sized one from the bank and got him right up to the shore and he broke off it was freezing out side I was in my shorts and a hooded sweatshirt.. And soon as it broke me off I went for a swim trying to get theat darn fish... I flopped around in about mid calve deep watter trying to get a grip on him not even thinking about the barbs as I was doing a belly flop twords it trying to grab it after all said and done it got away. I don't know how big it was but I know this he was big enough to snap my 15lbs test like it was dentle floss. When he decided he was done.. After I was done I thought to my self I'm an idiot I just dove after a fish in freezing weather it was in earlie november.. And all I got from it is soked cloths and a boken line... And my pride was a little hurt from it...
01-05-2011, 04:51 AM
I hope you haven't just eaten dinner.
HERE is a post that includes some photos of methods for carp-dispatch. The post starts out with a nice demo on making fine-carp fillet strips for bait.
Caught my first Utah carp just back in Nov. And - at 6lbs, stands as my biggest Utah fish. I hope to break that "record" by catching a bigger catfish on the filets I collected from that carp.
If interested - you'll also find some Carp Recipes. Or you can use the plank method, just watch out for splinters when you bite into that plank!
HERE is a post that includes some photos of methods for carp-dispatch. The post starts out with a nice demo on making fine-carp fillet strips for bait.
Quote:[#0000ff]Here is a collection of pics of some of the ways I have "recycled" carp. Of course they were not always completely lifeless when I "released them unharmed". But it can be safely assumed that there was a high mortality rate.[/#0000ff]They are an undervalued game-fish, for a garbage fish. They do grow big, and as much as they may flop around - are wary, and fast and powerful when they wanna be.
[#0000ff]Warning: Graphic pics to follow. Carp were definitely harmed in the making of these pictures.[/#0000ff]
Caught my first Utah carp just back in Nov. And - at 6lbs, stands as my biggest Utah fish. I hope to break that "record" by catching a bigger catfish on the filets I collected from that carp.
If interested - you'll also find some Carp Recipes. Or you can use the plank method, just watch out for splinters when you bite into that plank!
01-05-2011, 04:56 AM
[quote CoyoteSpinner]Ooooohhhh - don't tempt him - TD will show you his "carp recycling" methods. Brutal, but quite amusing.
Funny - I saw a Utube of a bowfisher slaying a grundle of carp, and some of the commentary was actually bashing him for being a cruel fat redneck.
Um - they're carp. Unless you Asian and like pickling - they are garbage (but they do make good catfish bait - filleted into strips, and slap 'em on a hook)[/quote]
Don't say that to anyone from Britain. Carp are one of the top, if not THE top game fish over there.[laugh]
Funny - I saw a Utube of a bowfisher slaying a grundle of carp, and some of the commentary was actually bashing him for being a cruel fat redneck.
Um - they're carp. Unless you Asian and like pickling - they are garbage (but they do make good catfish bait - filleted into strips, and slap 'em on a hook)[/quote]
Don't say that to anyone from Britain. Carp are one of the top, if not THE top game fish over there.[laugh]
01-05-2011, 06:33 PM
if your serious about throwing a carp bash at alexander, I have some connections with the Idaho Bowfishing assoc. they are always looking for new places to have a tourny. it would be cool to do some kind of "any method goes" carp harvest. A good turnout of boats at a bowfishing event can really take a lot of carp out of the water. As far as disposal lots of times farmers will want to till them into their fields, or there is always the landfill.
01-05-2011, 06:45 PM
I'm serious about the carp bash.. It's not going to be a contest because I can't aford to have it as a contest!!! Just want to get a bunch of people together that want to go help rid alexander of carp......