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Full Version: Wilkinson Res is No More for Public...
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I have only known about Wilkinson Res in Mt. Green area for a few years but in that short time it has become one of my favorite places to take the kids during the summer and for ice fishing as well. Easy access and not too far from home. You could always guarantee a catch of 15-17in Rainbow and a few 12-14 in Albinos. Many times, between 3 kids, there was always a fish on the line keeping me busy with the unhooking and releasing.
I stopped by there today to check the ice conditions so I could get the kids out this weekend and was Saddened to see this sign.....along with may other "No Trespassing" signs around the lake.
This truly was a gem.....although maybe a not well known one. I am Sad to see it is no longer available to the public.[frown]
I called the DWR in November about the closure.
I was told that the pond is still privately owned and that with all of the new angling pressure, the owners were afraid of lawsuits and litter problems.

Last summer the pond was stocked with trout by the DWR but it will no longer be stocked unless it is ever re-opened to the public.

It's a shame that it was closed but I can see why the owners did it.