[mad]I went down to UL today to do some fishing when i arived there was trash all over the ice where i fish that pissed me off and to top it off someone has set up a tent and just left it there!!!! The way I look at it if you got time to pack it down to the ice you got time to pack it back to the truck with you.... How many of us would just leave our ice shacks there for the next guy to use?
That is ridiculous. I don't understand littering. I understand that the occasional wrapper or slip of paper gets away and is either missed or can't be chased down but there is no excuse for masses and deliberately discarded trash. I always take a trash bag with me when I go fishing for my odds and ends and then I fill the rest up with trash around the shore and then dump it all in the dumpster. Most of the ponds around have a dumpster there and if not it doesn't take up much room in the back of the truck and I dump it at home. I'm always shocked at the amount of trash out there. My wife and I rarely walk more than ten feet from our spot to fill the sack.
I can't imagine someone leaving their shack...sure something didn't happen to them?
Yeah that sounds funky. Was it a nice tent or a hunk of junk? Hope something bad didn't happen. I don't know why people insist on leaving junk. You brought it with you and by golly you can take it home too! I think for some they feel that Utah Lake is a trash hole already so why not throw a little more in. Utah Lake is one of my favorite places to fish and I hate to see it and the surrounding shoreline covered in trash.
I know nothing has happend to them its the same damn tent every year we fished the spot last year and slamed the big bluegill and bass the guys who own the tent saw us there last year and now have screwed it up for everybody.it has been up for 2 weeks now down by lincon beach
So, one gentleman here puts a bucket with his ice fishing gear in then back of his truck and goes into a store for a few minutes and everything gets taken, but this tent can sit there for weeks untouched?
went to mantua today, and was the last one off the ice. as we were pulling our sled back we went past were some other people were fishing they left their pop cans full of chew spit and all their junk on the ice. that makes me so mad. as gross as it was we cleaned up after them. people really,lets clean up after our selves. the gabage can is on your way out its not that hard
Yep sits there untouched drove by thursday not a soul around door was open chairs sitting inside i,m amazed that the DNR has not done something about it to top it off its a eye sore blue canvas tent if you live in the area drive down by and see for yourself just around to the west of Lincoln beach.
I believe that spot your talking about with the tent is on Private Property Isn't it. I think it belongs to the residents who work the orchard there but I could be wrong.
Didnt know there was private property on the Ice except the Pineview Buoy line.
If you leave your shanty on the ice over night in Idaho you have to have your name and address on two sides so they know the name of the owner . Curt G.
I wouldn't leave my shanty or and garbage on the ice period, I was just wondering how there could be private property on the ice. People that can't pick up what they packed in because there lazy is plain BS if caught they should have to do a years community service picking trash up at the lake they were caught at.
tjere are lots of people that set up a ice hut as a permanet winter retreat... I see it all the time... It doesn't bother me at all because the lakes are plenty big for a shantie to be left there for the season... And as for the garbage I hate it to.. And there is nothing we can do to stop it.. There will always be slobs out there...
i leve my ice hut out on the ice too.. why not? if your on a hot hole and planing on comeing back soon there is no problem with that.. now with that said i would not leve it on utah lake inless it was out at bird island or someplace where it would not be easy for someone to steal it.. i have left it on E-lake, fish lake, scofield, flaming gorge, Joe's valley, huntington.. and so on never had a problem with it..
in a lot of other states it's very comom for pepole to leve hut's on the ice.. i dont see anything wrong with it as long as they get it off the ice before the ice melts..
You say, if it is a hot spot, you leave it there so you can return. What if you aren't there and someone else wants to fish that spot, BUT, they don't feel comfortable near your or someone else equipment?
I know the Great Lakes area does this, but you are talking major shacks, not a tent.
I know I don't think it is right for people to leave there Trailers or campers in camp grounds unattended for days and weeks just so they get that spot every trip. There are too many other people that would like to use them as well.
I guess I am saying take EVERYTHING with you if you don't own it. That is the fairest AND most secure way.
Interesting topic. Wouldn't think to leave my stuff behind, unless I lived by the lake and could watch it (but that's the ol' city boy in me - if you want to keep it, put a lock on it, or bring it inside).
So do they mind if you use their chairs and drill some fresh holes if they're not there? Maybe they could leave a heater too, that'd be cool.
I think the difference on the campground thing - would be if you pay a fee, or if you just drop it somewhere in an "undeveloped" camp area. If it's "public" land - don't see anyone has a "right" to squat it. And if they do, and they aren't there, I'd say - drill a hole right next to the tent/hut, and enjoy. Being as how I've had ATVs and PowerAugers show up outside my tent, not but 15 feet away - to HE-double toothpicks with it!
I thought I'd heard some wood-shanty deali-os get constructed on Mantua. Wouldn't be surprised.
Now if ya leave a dog out there to guard it - we're onto a whole 'nother topic!
Im pretty sure you are fishing on private property right there, that dredged out channel is on private propety and is for the orchards pumps, its posted all around it, even though the ice might not be, you had to tresspass to get there from where I seen you were parking. Those guys have every right to leave there tent there they just walk across the road and fish after work. Besides, there is another 75 of ice right there for you to fish, Don't understand why your so upset with them. They have as much right to be there as you, And as far as Im concerned we have to rules in Utah about leaving tents for an extended period. If they want to risk it being stole thats there deal, they will probably see you though, there right there all the time.
well leveing my hut on the ice is well with in the law in the state of utah.. most the time i do it when i'm camping at the lake or going to be back early the next morrning.. it's nice to leve it there so in the morning all i need to do is ride the sled out to the hut turn the heater on and start fishing..
and tell ya the truth i dont realy care if someone else wants to fish that spot.. if my hut's there i'll be fishing that sopt that day!
That makes sense, but to leave it for several days and you are NOT camping close doesn't. Legality isn't an issue here.
Here is a picture of Mackay Res. in Idaho . They also have a few at American Falls Res. They put them out as soon as the ice is safe and take them off in the middle of March .Curt G.