We ventured out to Echo last Saturday to be left nearly skunked. We fished the second pull-off and found DOZENS of others having the same lack of luck. Parking was hard to come by, it was more crowded than I've ever seen it. Everyone we talked to was quite frustrated with the slow fishing. We heard East Canyon was HOT HOT HOT, maybe we'll head there instead.
Being around a lot of other people will tend to move the fish away from the noise.
Try to fish in an area that isn't crowded with others.
Better luck on your next trip.
Good advise. We were hoping to keep things as simple as possible so thats why we went where we did. We looked across the pond and it looked packed on every turnout. Next time we'll just continue on to Rockport if the crowds are as bad at Echo as they were on Saturday. Hopefully others had better luck that day, but hey, thats fishin right?
FYI Rockport was busier than I have ever seen it on Saturday, although the fishing was pretty good, it still helped to walk away from all the crowds near the parking areas. But yea it was a zoo out there like you say echo was.[fishin]
[indent][indent]Sorry to hear about the not so good luck, but it seems the crowd scenerio is going to be any where that is convenient to fish exspecially on saturday sunday. ishing has almost become a popular trend over the last 5 years. I purposly keep a sun-wed work shift just to be on the water thurs and friday before the crowds and then i stay home and relax saturday when all the crowds are out.
O and ECHO is not too bad of fishery if not caught on the wrong day, i have personally caught better fish consistently out of there than at rockport and east canyon combined. But like you said "thats fishing".
Good luck out there.
I was at the same place on Saturday. I have Fridays off and I quickly remembered why I go on Friday.
I agree the sport has become extremely popular and I have no problem with that. I would just like some of those folks to learn some ice fishing etiquette before venturing out.
There are a number of posts on many different waters throughout the state that tell of this problem, so you can expect many types of behavior no matter where you go.
Incidentally I have been at East Canyon before on Saturday and there are mini cities on it when it freezes over.
I love fishing on weekdays!

to say we fished it on sun my 2 boys and a friendevery one caught fish except me all were in the 2 pound range and i think they managed 6 with 2 breakoffs at the hole. thank god for ice houses cause it was cold