Guys, if everyone can be there about 8:45pm tommorow we can take off about 9pm. The fishing and the water conditions have been awesome. Try to get there a bit early and we'll get rolling! Look forward to meeting you all.
Hey there theangler,
Where's the results on that long awaited BFT trip? Can't you drive and input the results on your internet remote lap-top at the same time? What the hey!? ha ha
Expect the fishin' was great even if the catchin' wasn't! My trip on the Aztec can be described exactly like that. No fault of the boat or anglers.... it was those yellowtails not biting. Oh ya, the 3/4 day we always take got 71 yellows for 21 people at Catalina. ha ha ha Go Figure!!!!!!!
well lets see here.... 15 anglers.... 6 albies, and like 12 skippys!!!!!! just a tad bit less than perfect, but i had a fun time in that rought water![laugh][laugh][laugh]
[cool] When are they going to notify the winner of the contest???
what contest??? am i missing something?
Hey there DH_tubinjoe,
Check out another topic on the board. Don't remember the exact title. Hope you scrolled down to here. Don't be hatin'!