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Full Version: Holmes Creek, Mantua, Pineview Weekend
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Had a blast going on my first three ice fishing trips of 2011 this past weekend. My first trip was to Holmes Creek Reservoir. The fishing was fast for small planter bows. I know the other species are in there because I've caught them all, but as long as the slimers roam that lake it will be tough to catch em. The jigs I used were a fat boy, and a charchuse tube jig. I think any jig those trout can get in their mouths will work. I also tipped the jig with a wax worm. [inline P1060036.JPG]

The next day I headed up to Mantua to see if the gills were still biting. The bite was lite but they are definitely still there. Caught and released a few trout, 3 small bass, some finger sized perch and a bunch of dinky gills. Ended up with 20+ keeper gills and 2 perch. Fished in depths from 10 to 13 feet. I know there have to be some deeper spots in there, just haven't found them yet. My setup was an ultra light rod with 2# test line, #12 charchuse ratfinkee tipped with a spike. I put a small lead weight above that to help it sink a little faster. All in all a great day and definitely plan on going back soon.

The last day I went up to Pineview with a couple friends to see if the perch were willing to play. As has been reported numerous times, the perch are there and in good numbers. I've heard a lot of people calling these fish "dinks" but I wonder how many perch they have caught before. While they are nowhere near the jumbo-sized perch that came out of Yuba recently, they are starting to get girth to them. I'd say that in two-three years these 6-8" perch will grow to be nice 10-12 inchers. That is unless there is some huge die off or something. Anyway, we all caught plenty of medium sized perch and had a great time. Five minutes before we left I saw a thick line of my flasher about 10' off the bottom and so I immediately reeled up to there. A few seconds later my rod tip bent and after a brief fight this pig came through the hole! It measured 13" and had as much meat on it as 10 perch. [inline P1080042.JPG] My setup was a silver castmaster with gold nuclear ant 8" below that, tipped with spikes and later on a perch eye. One more thing I wanted to mention from recent reports I've read is about releasing perch. Because of how deep Pineview is the perch's air bladder usually expands. If released they will just float around under the ice until they die. So I would suggest keeping even the small ones, they taste great too!

Seems like ice fishing in Northern Utah is on the up and up, let's keep our fingers crossed that it will stay that way! Here are some pics the of the fish fry I had on Sunday for you to enjoy. [inline P1090044.JPG] [inline P1090048.JPG]
Now there's a crappie. I've never fished Pineview so I don't know the body condition of the crappie there. If they are anything like Utah Lake crappie then for they most part they will be skinny. That 13" looks decent to me but your comment about it only having as much meat as a 10 inch perch makes me wonder. Oh well. Thanks for the pics of the safe release into the grease. [Wink]
I was saying it had as much meat as 10 perch combined, not one 10" perch, but that's probably an understatement. It was definitely big and FAT.[fishon]
Ah ha. My mistake. I misread it. That's good to hear man. Gotta love fat crappie.
That's funny. 10 to 1, one way or another.

Dude - I love your report. Very nice - good combination of waters I've been interested to hear on each. Holmes intrigues me. I think I need to take my wife down to grandma's (then sneak out!).

Glad you got onto a nice crappie. Both the gills and the craps definitely expand in girth relative to the length. 2 inches on a Bow ain't 2 inches on a panfish! That's for sure.

And I personally enjoy the seeing the finished product! So 'fillet - o - fish' sandwiches, eh? Any special sauce?
I've done fish-tacos, and they went over well. Hmmm. Breadbowl pasta last night - two bowls left....
If you're looking for sauce I'd suggest Tabasco Chipotle sauce! Damn it's good on them fish burgers. lol.
I really suggest you try out holmes at least once! And if you can handle an 18 year old catching more fish then you feel free to give me an invite [Wink]

I would like meeting up and seeing how an experienced fisherman ice fishes. I live maybe ten minutes from it so anytime sounds fun.

And the best part is, if you don't want to have me along you don't have to call!

Just messing but for real, I've gone out the last couple days and have done well so if you'd like a fishing partner I am mature and not a complete cherry.
Quote:And if you can handle an 18 year old catching more fish then you feel free to give me an invite [img]../../../images/gforum/Wink.gif[/img]

I would like meeting up and seeing how an experienced fisherman ice fishes.

Ah the arrogance of youth! Little cocky are we? Now forgive me if I'm wrong, but wasn't it your post about the disastrous night cat-fishing episode to Willard with your girlfriend, and equipment failures, and no bug spray . . .[pirate]

But honestly - just kidding with ya. I have little to no pride when it comes to fishing. Been humbled many a time, and expect that trend to continue! [frown]
Had a few good outings - when the planets lined up.

Experience? Makes me laugh - as I've been "ice fishing" all of 6 times. I think I'm doing ok - getting the hang of it. If I can catch-consistently, I'll be content. Hopefully use some of what I've learned about some local lakes, and see if it helps applied to the hard-deck.

I just like to talk big, use words that impress. Makes me seem educimated - even if I'm just faking it.
Like this photo - it was really a single perch, just photoshopped over and over to make it LOOK like I had caught close to a limit!

[Wink](seriously - if I was THAT good with Photoshop, I wouldn't be a programmer!)

If/when we get a chance to head to Holmes - I'll drop you a pm. Maybe you can show me where to find some crappie, and not get hit by a hockey puck! Just keep harvesting to Bows!
Hey now it's not my fault my rods got ran over by the ranger! haha, but ya it would be fun to go with another sometime, hope to hear from you.