[url "http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1591925471634&set=o.96588444918"]http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1591925471634&set=o.96588444918[/url]
Awsome fish Rezdog[inline Tony_22lbs.jpg]
BIG PIG!!!! AC plug?
Very nice [cool] trolling or casting?
He got it trolling, using a "Rock Hard" as he calls it. It looks alot like a BBZ.
Way to go Tony! Im still trying to break the 6 lb mark on Mead.
Congratulations to Rezdog. Way to go!
Absolutely awesome. That's one bad striper.
piggy piggy piggy. good to know there are still some fatty's out there. nice fish!!!
Dang. Nice fish right there!!!!
man you guys sure are catching some nice fish out of there!! ill have to come visit Trout_Slayer in vegas and give my fly rod a try... who knows maybe ill get lucky and get one that goes over 5 lbs!