I was hoping that someone could give me some good Intel. I am taking a guy from work fishing for the first time ever. I would like it to be a memorable experience for him so he will enjoy it. I am not sure if Grand Rapids or St. Joe would be better. I know the Steelhead will be hard this time of year but that is what he wants to catch. We do not have a boat so any help would be great.
with out thermal waders or a boat, you will most likely be looking at fishing on icey rocks, be sure to wear a helmet.
you dont want him to remember his first trip as being the trip he cracked a noggen.
if your on the east side of the state stony creek has a few in there.
If your going to wait toll march or april when the runs are in, you may fair a little better.
I dont realy like to take people fishing just to impress them. That usualy more times than not has a way of back fireing on you.
If he has his heart set on stealies, I would look for a local ice fishing tourny where they have some stealies though a hole, posibly Lake Cadilack "sory spelling" Even macey day lake has a few trout worthy of making an effort for.
You do have thermal waders? right?
We are on the West side of the state we both have Thermal waders. And you are right a cracked head would not be fun
I'm still a die hard Manistee river fisherman , gotta say for any luck at all , hit Tippy dam .
I have cought lots of fresh and winter hold-overs at Tippy during this time of the year , but you better be well prepaired for some might cold fishing fun.
Bring lots of hand ,toe and body warmers , extra gloves and some glasses to protect your eyes from the wind.
The Welston side has the stairs , you might want to think twice before giving that side a go , it's slick on the way down and one hell of a climb back up . better fishing , just real hard on the body.
The Breathren side would be better, but your out further in the water and you better know where to wade on that side.You could bobber fish it if that would help you .