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MINNEAPOLIS - The Pickens Plan, a popular and influential program to help gain energy independence for the United States, will become a prominent fixture on the Walmart FLW Tour in 2011.

The Pickens Plan, developed by well-known energy executive T. Boone Pickens, is a collection of coordinated steps that together form a comprehensive approach to addressing the energy concerns facing the U.S. A major component is ensuring that the public's voice will be heard by Congress and the White House.

Trisha Blake, president of FLW Outdoors Marketing Division, stated: "The Pickens Plan is dedicated to gaining energy independence for the U.S., and we want our anglers and fans at the front of efforts to greater utilize domestic energy resources and conservation efforts. Educating the public is the first step in improving our energy independence, and by using the resources of FLW Outdoors, we can help in numerous ways."

"I'm grateful that FLW is working to expand the reach of our initiative," said Pickens. "This is a key audience for us and will ultimately help expand the effectiveness of our program."

FLW Tour pro Randy Blaukat, who has been an ardent supporter of the Pickens Plan, will serve as its representative on the FLW Tour. Blaukat, highly regarded as a spokesman on environmental issues, is not only qualified to speak about this topic, but he and his family live it. They promote new methods of energy production through their way of life, and they built and lived in an off-grid solar home.

Blaukat, a resident of Joplin, Mo., has participated on the FLW Tour 13 of the past 14 years and earned more than $1.3 million in his career. He has placed as runner-up twice, and his impressive Tour résumé is rounded out with another five top-10 finishes. Blaukat will also contribute articles and commentary to FLW Outdoors Magazine and FLWOutdoors.comrelated to the Pickens Plan and various environmental topics.

Through the FLW Tour, the Pickens Plan will be featured in a variety of media formats, including the weekly "FLW Outdoors" television program on VERSUS, FLW Outdoors' multiple websites, and its bass and walleye magazines.Fans will be able to gain valuable information and show their support for the Pickens Plan at the FLW Outdoors Expo, held in conjunction with the FLW Tour, and the College Fishing Festival, held in conjunction with National Guard FLW College Fishing events.

Pickens, founder and chairman of BP Capital Management, joined FLW Outdoors in August 2010 as an equity holder and partner. With fishing, hunting and the outdoors being an important part of his life, he hopes his involvement with FLW Outdoors will lead to more young people and their families participating in such activities and enjoying the outdoors. You can support the Pickens Plan by visiting


FLW Outdoors is the largest fishing tournament organization in the world offering anglers worldwide the opportunity to compete for millions over the course of 191 tournaments in 2011. FLW Outdoors has taken fishing mainstream with the world's richest fantasy sports game, FLW Fantasy Fishing, where competitors can play for free as well as sign up for Player's Advantage to gain an edge. For more information about FLW Outdoors and FLW Fantasy Fishing, or

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Jeff McCoy, Director of Public Relations &amp; Communications<br />
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