01-12-2011, 07:09 PM
Take This Survey for a Chance to Receive one of 51 Bass Pro or Cabela's gift cards: 1 - $350 card,15 - $20 card and 35 - $10 cards
Leading fishing products manufacturer is seeking your input on rods and reels. Please take a few moments to answer the following questions and you'll be automatically entered for a chance to win one of the above Gift Cards. See link below.
To participate go here:
[url "http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=zoukvbcab&et=1104228059522&s=0&e=001ZRvanAerX5Jwuba-PoYMgMkK39CAElvjO1E4YUxhyytqFXh_oLcZT6nbyeJpHJEFFgF5Eh7rVVms0LrBzKadQqK20Zgn-vf3zyFMLHWv52abqCar58lBOnSEltedY-gy3zbtSiJ_qRI="][#63626b]http://www.trophyresearch.com/ws/wsb.dll/s/7g135[/#63626b][/url]
It is people like you that help the industry change for the better. Please take a couple of minutes and complete the survey. You have a great chance to win.
[font "Times New Roman"][/font]
1-First Place Prize - $350.00 Bass Pro or Cabela's Gift Card
15-Second Place Prize - $20.00 Bass Pro or Cabela's Gift Card
35-Third Place Prizes - $10.00 Bass Pro or Cabela's Gift Card
[font "Times New Roman"][/font]
This survey will be active until January 20th, so don't delay. You will be notified of winning via email within 14 days. Prizes will be sent out within 4 to 6 weeks. Thanks again for being part of "The Inner Circle of The Great Outdoors".
Leading fishing products manufacturer is seeking your input on rods and reels. Please take a few moments to answer the following questions and you'll be automatically entered for a chance to win one of the above Gift Cards. See link below.
To participate go here:
[url "http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=zoukvbcab&et=1104228059522&s=0&e=001ZRvanAerX5Jwuba-PoYMgMkK39CAElvjO1E4YUxhyytqFXh_oLcZT6nbyeJpHJEFFgF5Eh7rVVms0LrBzKadQqK20Zgn-vf3zyFMLHWv52abqCar58lBOnSEltedY-gy3zbtSiJ_qRI="][#63626b]http://www.trophyresearch.com/ws/wsb.dll/s/7g135[/#63626b][/url]
It is people like you that help the industry change for the better. Please take a couple of minutes and complete the survey. You have a great chance to win.
[font "Times New Roman"][/font]
1-First Place Prize - $350.00 Bass Pro or Cabela's Gift Card
15-Second Place Prize - $20.00 Bass Pro or Cabela's Gift Card
35-Third Place Prizes - $10.00 Bass Pro or Cabela's Gift Card
[font "Times New Roman"][/font]
This survey will be active until January 20th, so don't delay. You will be notified of winning via email within 14 days. Prizes will be sent out within 4 to 6 weeks. Thanks again for being part of "The Inner Circle of The Great Outdoors".