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Full Version: starvation perch
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if you all want perch hit rabbit gulch and go north of the far west buoy non stop all day about 12 inches of clear hard ice. great place for the kids to catch fish and very easy access to the ice.
Any size to these perch you speak of????[angelic]
[fishin]It's Starvation...they'll be mediums to TOADS...[:p]
most around 10 to 12 inches and alot of smaller ones we used meal worms,night crawlers and perch meat all were very affective.
how many 10 nto 12,s a and how many fishermen in yr party? we have hit it a few times and most the perch are 4 to 8 with a few 10 to 12,s. 1 or 2 per guy is all that ive seen or herd from the guys. just wondering if you found a school of the bigger guys?