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I want to get into some good perch fishing this year. Was wondering if anyone had some advise on were to go, whats workin, etc. I live in Utah county. Any advise is always appreciated.
for a beginner percher pineview is always great. find about 40 feet of water drop the bottom with small jigs white glow pink all were good. the fish are smaller but still taste great
I'm going to hit up Pineview this week. Went to FL 2 weeks ago perch, rainbows, splake fishing was great. I'd like to try Rockport. Any recommendations there?
The perch are in Rockport... just not in large numbers. We caught one (7") yesterday and saw several others caught. They show up and leave quickly. Move a lot until you find one. Then drill holes all around where you found them and hole hop. They seemed to be in 47-53 feet of water. Get right on the bottom. Jig to get a light bite. Waxies and crawlers. Flies under a spoon. Try area south of the launch.