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I thought this was an interesting post from Utah, so I thought I would pass it along.

I don't smoke, but I have seen lots of butts in the water. I haven't ever even thought about it plugging a fish up. Gross as it may be I will probably be netting a few from now on.
[quote afishionado]

Also, one bad note to all of us who smoke and haven't quit yet. Throwing your butts on the ice, or in the lake when water is soft, can have a detrimental effect on our fisheries. As I checked the guts on one of my overly chunky bows, I found it now to be genetics that she was so fat, but rather a foam plug stuck in her guts, blocking passage of the rest of the sludge she had ingested. I have been guilty myself of being lazy and chucking a butt or two overboard, but now I wonder how many fish have been taken out of the system by such a preventable cause. I knew a fish would rise up to the hookless cigarette butt hopper fly, just never thought that much about it. Then, when I was out to grantsville, I counted numerous spots where the previous party had just littered the ice w/ butts. I challenge us all to be more responsible smokers and non-smokers alike. If you witness folks chuckin butts, or any trash for that matter, don't be afraid to politely inform about what makes this such a fun sport.

Anyhow, just an eye opener, thought I might pass it along. Fish Speed!!![/quote]
I know, interesting post. I see tons of Butts around the public ponds and watched people go so far as to puff away right under the NO SMOKING sign.

I guess I can scoop a few too. Just hate to touch them anymore. I always had an ash tray with me (even a film container on rivers) back when I smoked.

So, being an ex-smoker, I can say, you really don't need to throw them on the ground or in the water.
I've found butts in the gut of several fish I've caught over the years. Last time I was out with my buddy who smokes, I put one on a hook just to see what would happen. I got 2 or 3 bites on the cigarette butt. Didn't catch a fish, but it was not a good day of hookups for me anyway.

I can't say that any of the fish I've caught that had butts in their stomachs were suffering any ill effects from it.

On the other hand, I don't like the fact that many smokers don't think cigarette butts are trash either. Some will throw them anywhere and everywhere with no concern as if they are not considered garbage. I feel the same way about used gum. Gum, which is also garbage, should be placed there (in the garbage) by the user.
I can't image how many cigarette butts there are stuck in the layers of ice at Ririe right now. THe ice was really clear today and you could see them pretty deep. To be fair there was an assorment of candy rappers and other garbage as well.

Garbage is garbage. It should all be picked up. Way too many people believe if it is out of sight it isn't trash. I find trash up in the wilderness areas under rocks and such. Ever been scuba diving in a fresh water lake. It is amazing how much stuff people either lose or throw overboard.