01-18-2011, 10:00 AM
Water Temp: 43-45<br />Lake Level: 8ft&#43; Low<br /><br />Been out a few days this week. Fishing has got tough as it should be in January. I along with everyone else was unable to get to the lake until Thursday (snow). The roads were just to dangerous to chance pulling a boat, much less coming back down. I was off the lake for 6 days due to the weather. In that 6 days the water dropped 8-10ft, the water temps dropped 3-4 degrees, and the fish/bait moved LOL.<br /><br />10-12 spots in a full day seems to be about it. Most are 2lbs but I have got a solid 3&#43; each trip. We&#39;ve also caught about every species in the lake the last few days too. I&#39;ve been focusing on schools in 50-90ft w/ drop shot flys and spoons.<br /><br />Today I was out with Roger Lloyd and two friends Steve and Narvey, 3 GONr&#39;s from Alabama. Roger just bought a new Humminbird 798 and wanted to shorten the learning curve with Side Imaging and also learn how to target the deep sight fish. Our bass were all suspended 35-70ft in small schools feeding on tiny Alewife. We worked hard today boating 12 spots and after a short phone conversation with Chris H (the trash fish king) we boated a big Carp 90ft deep Thanks again Chris for yet another HEX. Biggest Spot today was 3 1/4 lbs caught 60ft deep by Steve. <br /><br />Thanks again guys and everyone from this week. I appreciate you spending a day with me on some cold tough January fishing. <br /><br />Here&#39;s a couple pics from the week including a sonar shot from Friday.<br /><br />LB