Fishing Forum

Full Version: sons cut at strawberry.
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Hit this last week. Dang kid is out fishing me every time we go out anymore. ha
cool to see your boy out fishing, nice fish too!
Thats a real nice fish! how big is it? is it goin on the wall?
Man that is a nice fish. Tell the boy congrats!!
Nice fish where were you at?
He got into that guy at mud creek. It was 27 inches and just over 7 lbs. He decided he wanted that guy on his wall for his birthday.
Nice fish. I should probably look into what it takes to put a fish on the wall. I'll probably never catch one that nice, but my boy might. If he ever catches one like that I would sure like to preserve it for him. Do you know anyone that does a good job on fish? Congrats again on a nice catch.