Fishing Forum

Full Version: billyc, chickamauga, anything, 1/16/11
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Decide to get out and try float n fly for a while, not many takers . Did manage two huge crappie, water temps every where pretty much the same 42.3 to 43.0. Seen alot of fish down about twenty feet but couldn't get them to come to take it. Did see something very disturbing coming back in , out in the middle of the channel right above vincent slough was 12 dead ducks floating down the river. Guess some of our local duck hunters don't believe in retreiving what they shoot. Four were greenheads one black and the rest were coots. Thats a shame to do stuff like this . Guess they figured that if they don't go get them then they won't reach their limit so they can just keep shooting. Hopefully this will come home to them later down the road.