01-21-2011, 10:00 AM
Hit the water at 0900 for the first time in a long time. I have been having some boat trouble so we didnt want to go far. We drudge through the ice on top of the water and finally got out of CFP. Started at dock that normally produces for us but nada. We moved out deeper and picked up a few crappie here and there. Move back into a slough around some more docks and I decided to throw a t rigged worm, kept getting hits but no fish. New it had to be some type of smaller fish. Started tossing a red-black w/chartreuse tail tube and destroyed crappie for a while, not one single keeper. We moved on down to some other docks and Kruger boats a fat daddy spot. We keep noticing all the birds circling above and dive bombing the water, so we knew there were some baitfish back there. We moved out to the center of the slough and just started killing yellow bass. It seemed like every other cast. Kruger managed to boat a blue over 5lbs here and channel cat that probably went a little over 2lbs. We decided to move back to our honey hole. Didnt take long and we were on the crappie. Started throwing BG Blue Thunder with a suppppppper slow crank and it was one after the other. Moved off that spot and back to the first dock and nada. Moved back to the point and stayed with them a while before it was time to go to work. Estimate that we boated about 45 crappie(only 5 keeper&#39;s), 25 or so yellow bass, 1 blue, 1 channel, 1 spot, and one yellow fin shad. We took video on my hatcam, but everything in the video that is pale or white turned blueberry blue??? I don&#39;t understand why there were so few keepers. Oh well it was fun just to be back on the water.<br />Time=0900-1600<br />Bait=Minnows(no crappie???) 1/16 oz with BG Blue Thunder-1/32oz Salt n Pepper Tube, Black-Red/chartreuse tube. Bayou Hair Jigs 1/16 oz orange head-green body-white buttocks.<br />Water temp=39.2-41.3<br />Depth=8-10 ft at the dock- on the point 4-16ft<br />Water=Murkey