Gidday i am an Aussie living here in Texas in Leander (suburb outside Austin) and i am really wanting to fish badly. Back in Australia i surf fished deep sea estuary and rock fished but it was all salt water. Ihave no idea where to go or what lures, bait etc to use here in Texas. My wife bought me a rod and some basic tackle for Christmas, i have a licence and am ready to go but seriously need some isea on how to fish here. I gues if someone could tell me the best place and what to use for catfish i could start there. Any help any of you can offer will be greatly appreciated.[fishin]
Hey how you doing? I am happy to meet you,So it seems your looking for a good spot to fish.Well you came to the right state.there are so many lakes here its hard to keep up with all of them.I'm from Dallas and I'm close to many lakes here.My best advise for you to catch catfish is to use cut bait,nightcrawlers or stink bait.but it really depends on where you are and which lake you want to fish.
Go to" TP&W fishing reports", and that site will let you know what lakes are close to you and it will give you the location of the lakes also it will inform you what they are feeding on and what they are doing, Hey I hope that will help you and I hope I did you kindly.But if you ever decide to come to Dallas look me up or e-mail me and let me know and I'll take you to a few "CHOICE SPOTS" out here and we can make a day of fishing for catfish or Bass if you want.
Hey thank you for the information and you can bet that if i do come to Dallas i will give you a call.I always thought Australians were super friendly but man you Texans are without doubt the friendliest most helpful people i have ever met.
Thank you for your kind words,But if you have any more questions about how to rig up or what line to use or even how to 'tight line" or anything that has to do with fishing do not waste time and ask me ,I'll be more than happy to help out a fellow fisherman any day.I just cant wait for the weather to warm up to do some spring fishing,Good luck sir and catch the big one.
Sorry for the delay in response. I have been off the internet for quite some time because of health problems. I am back and hope to resume my duty s of helping all in need.
Now for your needs for some great Texas fishing.
North and west of you is a great lake to fish called Lake Travis. (about half an hour drive). To the east there is also a good lake to try it is called Walter E. Long Lake. (also about half an hour away). Now the lake I remember the most when I was much younger was Canyon Lake. ( it is little over an hour to your south and west of the town of San Marcos.) There are some great bass and cats in that lake. From experience the cats are a bit slow when the temps are low but they will respond with some patience and a nice fat night crawler worm sitting on the bottom. With the colder temps try to find the deepest hole and place your bait in it.
Now for another offer to share some great fishing with you. I will be returning home by the end of march and will be hitting the saltwater along the Texas coast line. I will be in the Corpus Christi area also known as the coastal bend.( an area where the fish are always biting) When I get settled down I will offer an open invite to you and friends to come down for a great fishing adventure with me and my wife in the salt waters of Texas.
Keep your lines tight and wet